#96 – Fan Questions 4


1 year ago
Speaker A:

Today's sponsor is you the listener. If you're listening to this and you enjoy the Aquarium Guys podcast, the best way to support us is donate directly to Patreon. It's at patreon.com aquarium guys. We have a lot of tiers, a lot of packages, one time bonuses if you want to join certain tiers. But even $1 gets access to these episodes unedited before they come out. So if you're sick of waiting and listening to episodes, join the Patreon today. A buck gets you that content and at least get you started. And that dollar does go a long way. I think I get like 60 some cents of it. But that helps pay for an editor to get these podcasts out more frequently. That is our bottleneck. It is not necessarily our time. Guests take a lot, but it is the editor. So check that out. Patreon Aquariumguys. And the next thing is we're going to have another merch store launching soon, so watch for that on aquariumguyspodcast.com. We'll have all different types of merch to support the episode. And if you want to send us a gift, we now have an address for you to send it to. Two two three Front Street West, Detroit Lakes, Minnesota, 56501. If you want to send something disturbing to Jimmy. One last thing to add to this. If you have an aquarium club, aquarium group and you want a guest speaker, we do not charge for that. You can certainly inquire by messaging us on our Facebook page directly in our discord. Otherwise, aquariumguyspodcast@gmail.com is our email. We don't charge anything for that. The only thing that we ask is travel expenses. Thank you for all your support. You guys are our number one sponsor. Let's kick that podcast. Welcome to the aquarium, guys.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Jimmy what?

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Jimmy what?

Speaker B:

Talk to me.

Speaker A:

I'm going to buy 125 gallon aquarium.

Speaker B:

I am not available to help you move it in whatever day you get it. I'm out of town.

Speaker A:

It's not like the 90 or the big boy that you lose your testicles with. It's just the traditional six footer.

Speaker B:

Yeah, it's not the eight footer.

Speaker A:

No. Although I do know what the eight footer is. This is just the standard size. The plain. Jane.

Speaker B:

What I suggest you do, unless you're.

Speaker C:

Getting an eight footer, you're half as in it.

Speaker B:

That's right, half as in it. I would suggest you just put it on top of the stairs and just let it slide down the stairs. Works pretty well.

Speaker A:

Hear this right, 125 with lights, heater and shitty stand, $250.

Speaker B:

Not bad. Not bad at all.

Speaker A:

Not bad. Fair to Midland.

Speaker C:

It's leaking and probably had fish plague in it.

Speaker A:

Probably not leaking. Had discus in it.

Speaker B:

It's full of hamsters.

Speaker A:

Lots of hamsters. I am your host, Rob Zolson.

Speaker B:

I'm Jim Colby.

Speaker C:

And I'm Adam El Nashar.

Speaker B:

Hey, thanks for showing up, Adam.

Speaker A:

And we finally have Dan piazza. He's been on the podcast once for our Jar episode. He has decided to come to move to Minnesota from the sunny California area to come work at Dee's FishCo. Dan, welcome.

Speaker D:

It's good to be here.

Speaker A:

He's lost his voice.

Speaker B:

He sounds sexy, doesn't he?

Speaker A:

So he's just going to be here making snide remarks that are comedic and.

Speaker B:

Fun, let's hope, right?

Speaker A:

But Dan is a longtime listener. He's been an administrator of the Discord and other community efforts. Unfortunately, we've known each other for four years. So happy to have him in Minnesota. Good to be here.

Speaker C:

Why is he moved? Well, besides California, the ship.

Speaker A:

All right.

Speaker B:

Plus Rob's doing this thing where he's getting all these people to move from other states into Minnesota. Yeah, I'm going to pay like $100 a person.

Speaker A:

Yeah, I get paid by the Minnesota board.

Speaker D:

Is that the spitting cobra I hear?

Speaker A:

That is the spitting cobra.

Speaker B:

Spitting cobra.

Speaker D:

Call me Brady Barr because I'd love to handle that thing.

Speaker A:

Well, I think on that note yeah.

Speaker B:

Kid friendly.

Speaker A:

Yes. Before we begin, this is again another fan questions episode. You guys submit enough we'll keep doing them. Literally. If you keep submitting enough questions, all this podcast will be is your questions. So keep submitting that shit. Email us. Put them on Discord Bottom, the website aquariumguyspodcast.com. You will find our Discord link. Come join the debauchery. We have a couple people joining every single day. At least a couple of people. It's been really building as of lately.

Speaker B:

So many lost souls who people don't have anything better to do.

Speaker A:

They have nothing better to do than share their pictures and ask questions.

Speaker B:

And it's so nice that now we have more fans than just your mom.

Speaker A:

Yes, it does feel good. Number one, mom got us there. Now we're here.

Speaker B:

That's right.

Speaker A:

I want to say thank you to all of our patrons. If you're not familiar with Patreon, it's a way that you could subscribe to our content and help support the podcast directly. The Patreon will be in the show notes. Certainly. Check it out. Thank you guys. You guys are overwhelming source of joy for us. And you help get the lights on and make this thing all work. What we're doing is on the Patreon page. We already have some content that if you ever hear that, we can't air it on the episode. That's where it goes. There's some horrible stuff about it should.

Speaker B:

Go in the garbage.

Speaker A:

Where it should go there's Jimmy's racist ringtone. I mean, I don't have a racist ringtone. Oh, you do?

Speaker B:

What is it?

Speaker A:

You have to go to Patreon to find out. Jimmy yeah.

Speaker B:

Who let the dogs out?

Speaker A:

Who let the dogs out? We also have our episodes from now on, unfiltered first on Patreon. So if you feel like we're not putting enough content out, it's because of editing. And we'll just give you the Unfiltered content unedited and raw. No ducks, no bleeps. Right on the patreon page. So if you want to hear our potty mouths, that's the way to get it done.

Speaker B:

I think that we should just give people, like, a free bar of soap or something with that purchase.

Speaker A:

Yeah, for sure.

Speaker C:

Just don't drop, like, soapping out their ears.

Speaker B:

Yeah, ears. Maybe just take the soap out and put it in their ears.

Speaker A:

Well, we are not Dr. Squanch, or however you call that company that sends soap out for a subscription. Instead, what we want to do is we want to thank you individually. We have set up our Patreon page, where for a dollar, you can go and you can get the unfiltered content and everything there. We don't want to really hold back the paywall to get the content up too much. A buck a month to have access to the cool Patreon page. $5 gets you a VIP role to really show off in our discord. And $15. What we're going to do is, if you sign up for a limited time only, I'll have Jimmy hold this, because we're actually on Discord Live right now.

Speaker B:

Oh, yeah, this is nice.

Speaker A:

For $15 a month, if you want to subscribe to that tier and support us. Jimmy has cut his, we should say, patented car seat sponge filters.

Speaker B:

That's right.

Speaker A:

They were cut out of multiple Cadillacs minivans and old mattresses.

Speaker B:

Yeah, old mattresses. And I like to go down to the river where all the homeless people live, and when they're up going to the bathroom in the middle of the night, I seal their mattresses, which are urine soaked and kind of dirty.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

And then I make these filters.

Speaker A:

Well, if you see the one in Jimmy's hand right here, it's a square sponge. It's got a slate bottom to weight it down, and it has a PVC pipe tube. His patented projects that he legitimately uses in his fish room. So if you think for a minute that he's selling you some subpar content no, this is exclusive filter that he uses in his own fish room.

Speaker B:

What else is this good for? Rob snort and cocaine snorting might be not.

Speaker A:

There's a lot of holes in that.

Speaker B:

Jimmy, who did that? That was you that did all that?

Speaker A:

I did. We helped out some work. Dan was there cutting as well. We had a great time in your basement. So if you hold it up, that.

Speaker B:

Just sounds dirty, the way you said it.

Speaker A:

Each sponge filter, you can kind of see the side there towards the camera there, Jimmy. There you go. Each one is signed by Jim Colby himself.

Speaker B:

So put this in your aquarium, and then the ink will come off and.

Speaker A:

Kill your fish wall supplies. Last sign up for a 15 month, $15 a month tier, we will send you a car seat sponge filter signed.

Speaker B:

By Jimmy right to your doorstep.

Speaker A:

Right to your doorstep.

Speaker B:

Will that be fun?

Speaker A:

Yes. Now, there's limitations I think we can send to Canada I cannot make a promise to you if you're Canadian. This is intended for why can't we ship to Canada? I'm having problems with shipping, so if I figure it out, you're on the list suddenly. But if I don't, well, I'm sorry. I appreciate the patronage, but there's little I can do. This is for Americans, and I know you're an asshole. That half of our viewers international are half of our viewers are from Scotland. Like, they love us. In fact, they message us saying we don't swear enough. Really? We have quite a few it's quite the fan club. I don't know why specifically them, but.

Speaker B:

Yeah, we know why it's not Nigeria, because it's the other podcast that I do with Trent, and we're never one in Nigeria.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

We don't know why.

Speaker A:

I don't know why.

Speaker B:

We don't know why you pick us.

Speaker A:

So you picked us. That's where we're at. But again, the only guarantee I can do is, if you're in the United States, I can ship to you if you're outside of the United States. Best effort. No promises.

Speaker B:

Would you drive it? Would you drive it up to Canada?

Speaker A:

Actually, I would.

Speaker B:

Would you send a drone and just drop them out all over Canada?

Speaker A:

I was tempted to smuggle them to Chris Biggs and make him do it.

Speaker B:

No, don't involve the interview.

Speaker A:

He's four and a half hours from us. I think we can make it happen.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

Don't you just go across the border in some of those parts in North Dakota where you literally just drive I'm sorry. I'm not supposed to talk.

Speaker B:

Yeah, we're just going to throw them over the border.

Speaker A:

I'll tell you what. Just over the wall, I'll tell you what. You want to meet me in Thunder Bay? We'll do this shit in person.

Speaker B:

I can't wait to see this on freaking CNN, where they swoop down with freaking blackhawk helicopters because they think it's a dirty drug deal go down. And it's just my urine soaked frickin sponge filters.

Speaker A:

I smuggle in kinders from Canada into the United States. Why can't I smuggle out sponge filters?

Speaker B:

When you say kinders, do you mean in your keyster?

Speaker A:

No. You know what a kinder is, right?

Speaker B:

No, I don't. I'm an old guy, all right?

Speaker A:

So the world and when I say the world, everybody but the United States has this wonderful, delightful chocolate thing. It's like our old Wonder ball. Remember that? What's in the Wonder Ball? Who knows what surprises a wonder ball. Hot. It's where they put little toys inside.

Speaker D:

Of a chocolate egg demonetized.

Speaker A:

It's literally a chocolate egg, and they put a toy inside it.

Speaker B:

Oh, it's like a little kinder egg.

Speaker A:

Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Kinders. Kinder.

Speaker B:

Kinder egg. Okay. Yeah, they sell those at freaking Walmart.

Speaker A:

But the ones in the United States.

Speaker C:

They sell them at quick trip.

Speaker A:

Yeah, but the ones in the United States are different than the international ones. The international ones are literally sealed chocolate with the thing inside. The ones in the United States have a plastic packaging and they're not sealed. They're not real eggs. Because I cannot put a toy inside of food in the United States thanks to the US.

Speaker B:

Government, because we're too damn dumb that.

Speaker A:

People can eat them, right?

Speaker D:

Because you guys keep key stirring them.

Speaker A:

We keep keying them. So if I can smuggle in kinder eggs, I could smuggle out some sponge filters is all I'm saying.

Speaker D:

Just shove them up your ass.

Speaker A:

Shove them straight up my ass.

Speaker B:

I can't wait to see that.

Speaker A:

If you look closely, some of these sponge filters do have like dark yellow sides. There's an explanation. And that's because the soaked by homeless pee. But if you want the real explanation, jimmy says that when he cuts the sponges out of the cars, he leaves them out to dry with the glue. Apparently the sun side was it fades them or darkens them up?

Speaker B:

Darkens them up. So when I make these, as much as I love the smell of silicone in my basement, I try to do these during the summer. And I'll probably do like 40 or 50 out on a picnic table outside my house. And I put on a silicone and just whatever direction the sun's coming from will fade that side of the filter. So they are completely aquarium safe. Except for the part where Robbie habit sign them. All right.

Speaker A:

There was a lot of markering. We'll post that on the patreon as well. We got a nice middle finger pick as well. Today's question and answer episode. So let's go to live questions before we get to our emails. In the live chat of discord, we have boom asking, will you guys be posting onto the pornhub page yet? I have created Jimmy. I have created an aquarium guys pornhub page. We're already starting to have people follow us on the pornhub page with zero videos. People have been sending us videos in from all over the world saying please post your pornhub. So not only fans legitimate pornhub account. So if you want, you can send your videos in our email discord whatever Facebook page with your breeding fish videos. And we will post them to pornhub for comedy. So we will be the most wholesome pornhub ever.

Speaker B:

I got some good news. My dog's in heat this week.

Speaker A:

We're sticking to fish. That one's weird.

Speaker C:

Is your other dog smart enough yet to breed her?

Speaker B:

No, my male dog is completely clueless and he air humps her for hours.

Speaker A:

You ready to give me that $25 yet?

Speaker B:

So Robbie, we know Robbie's not right, but I like $25. It's not a secret. And Robbie says, I will guide your male dog into your female dog for $25. And I won't even wear gloves. I'm going, yeah, that's the best part. If he's not going to wear gloves, our dog has been in heat three times and nothing's happened other than a lot of air humping. And so we're hoping this time that maybe Robbie will swing over and $25.

Speaker A:

Goes a long way.

Speaker B:

Jimmy, no. We could sell one puppy and pay for it all.

Speaker A:

One puppy is what, $1,500.02 grand somewhere in there. So I'm just saying, I'm not a.

Speaker B:

Puppy meal, so don't freaking get a hold of me, people.

Speaker A:

He's just doing one litter and then they're getting neutered after he pays me my 25 whole dollars.

Speaker B:

And you're going to get paid in freaking quarters and nickels.

Speaker A:

That's fine. In an ice cream pail payment, that's even better.

Speaker B:

Yeah. Within Carol syrup. Exactly.

Speaker D:

If you hold out, he can probably do it for free.

Speaker A:

Yeah. Well, let's get into the real questions. So I'm going to start going through the emails, blast through them when we last left off.

Speaker B:

When are they dated compared to last time? Professional professor dumbass.

Speaker A:

So we have three old emails that were done right around the time we did the last fans and questions that go from 10 31, 22 all the way up to about Christmas.

Speaker B:

So these aren't pre COVID two years old, are they?

Speaker A:

No, these are more up to date emails.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

All right, we have Kaylee says guys, where's the podcast? This is blasphemy. Just kidding. Love listening during my slow days, which have been more frequent lately. So I'm waiting. Lol. Love you guys, love your silly stories. Robs and his air no.

Speaker B:

What did you say?

Speaker A:

Nothing. You guys are all too funny and strangely wholesome. Keep it coming.

Speaker B:

What was the other part?

Speaker A:

You missed something. Something. Air pump s. Thank you, Kaylee. I was hoping it was a question, but we will move on.

Speaker B:

Yeah, it was just a request for pornhub for you to do something with us.

Speaker A:

It was just a request.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

All right. We actually have hi there. I'm writing on behalf of we have a certified vet that wants to come on to the podcast. I will hold the information because they have not given me permission to say it, but if you want to join the podcast and you feel like you have something to offer as you see, our content is intended to be evergreen. If we're going to have a topic, we want to have that be the specialized topic. So if you feel that you're an expert in the area, we'd love to have you reach out to us. Aquariumguyspodcast.com Bob, the website discord Facebook email eventually reach us.

Speaker B:

Handwritten letters would be nice too.

Speaker A:

No, we did that once and that's on the patreon because it was gross. Okay, but did you get that PO box yet?

Speaker B:

Yeah, no.

Speaker A:

Okay. All right, next email. Hello, fan from Canada. Hey guys, how goes thanks again for reading my previous email about the Bashir Bishire biker bitcher dilemma. We have rehomed two, I cannot say the word poly polyptorous sen gallus to a family that is running a larger custom built freshwater tank. Gone back to smaller species. Many dwarf varieties, some breeding projects with them. The listing is sparkling. Gurami bumblebee golby black Tiger battis A version of an epistogramma that I'm not going to butcher and feeder guppies.

Speaker B:

Hey, Adam. So I like your kind of tape.

Speaker A:

Yeah, actually it does say in endler varieties, but we don't acknowledge that around here. I have not seen much action on the podcast recently, so hopefully we'll continue. Are you still accepting fan questions? Thanks again for asking.

Speaker B:

Check out our pornhub if you're looking for action.

Speaker A:

Well, thank you, Cole. Yes. For doing episodes.

Speaker B:

Is that Colon Canada?

Speaker A:

That's colon Canada. Say that really fast. Couple of times. Nope.

Speaker B:

Colon Canada.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

So people are still whining that we haven't done enough stuff.

Speaker A:

Here we go. Now we're back into January 10 of this year 2023.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

How are you all? Legends. Love the podcast. You guys are funny. C word that is popular in Scotland. It's a term of endearment. Crikey. Yeah, crikey. Very informative. Cheers. Thanks for the podcast. From Dylan. A-U-S SIA cobb. Apparently that's his name. Cobb. Still waiting for questions.

Speaker C:

You guys use cob as a verb.

Speaker A:

We only have so many Bleeps. We got to use those carefully there, Adam.

Speaker B:

Are those like $5 apiece?

Speaker A:

Something? Yeah, something, something.

Speaker B:

I thought we owned all those ducks.

Speaker A:

Now we got to subscribe to the subscription.

Speaker B:

It would be fun if Gilbert Godfrey was still alive because he got fired from being the duck on TV and we could have got him cheap, I bet you. And he would have just gone crazy.

Speaker A:

Possible. Now, here's a fun one. I open the email and it comes to a white screen. But I highlight the email and it finds out that the text was in white with a white background. So now that I'm hiding your secret message saying this is from Adam from the government. Not our Adam, a different Adam, saying, dear Aquarium guys, I'm 17 years old. Well, number one, stop. This is an explicit podcast. Wait one year and then keep listening. Two, I have been keeping fish for eleven years now. Picked up your podcast during COVID for shame. And not been able to put it down. A week ago I picked up seven false network CorridorAs at my local fish store and no clue about them besides their size. I have since learned very little besides the painful stings and that they look cool. I have researched them in my books from Axelrod and Aqualog and online with very little success. Planet Catfish had little information on them as well, but offered insight that they had not been bred before. Naturally I want to breed them. Not sure how. Do you know anything about these and can you help me out? Keep up the good work. And for crying out loud, do some did your doing. Yeah, he does have a scientific name here, just in case that the false corridor is not the one I was thinking of and it is the one I was thinking of. It just looks like a what's the name? Let me message it to you because I'm going to butcher it and you can say it on the podcast.

Speaker D:

Adam corridor.

Speaker A:

Corridoris Sedalis.

Speaker D:

Is that it is the false network corridora.

Speaker A:

Where is Adam? In discord.

Speaker B:

So when you say false network, is this kind of like you're being spammed? They're using a VPN being spammed.

Speaker A:

Yeah. This is the NordVPN corridora right here. I've had them before. I had no idea that they're not bred in captivity. They're, in my opinion, nothing outside of a normal corridora. Have you had them? Let me pull up the picture here, Jimmy, so you can confirm or deny your ownership. There you go. They literally have kind of like a reticulation pattern on the top half. Otherwise they look pretty much like another type of salt and pepper corridora.

Speaker C:

I'm pretty sure I've bred those before.

Speaker A:

Yeah, I don't think that just the lack of information means that it's just another common pattern corridora and people weren't too apt to get the information out.

Speaker C:

So here's how you breed the things.

Speaker A:

Let's hear it.

Speaker C:

You got to do a cold water change and then you got to make sure that you have multiple males with females. Females are big, males are small, and they have to do the T. And then when you do the water change, especially if you do a water change as a front is coming in, that usually triggers every spawn for CorridorAs pretty quickly. Frozen and fresh food, like live food, frozen food, blackworms glassworms, sand on the bottom, easy things. They should all breed pretty rapidly.

Speaker D:

You got to make them think they're going to die in a rainstorm.

Speaker A:

Heavy flow. Heavy flow. Also.

Speaker B:

When I was down in Florida at 5D, they were breeding all kinds of different quarries. And what was interesting is that they had a large circular tub with a jett of water shooting in there, and the water was kind of circulating like a freaking blizzard. And they put in small plastic flower pots, but the plastic ones tied a string on them through in there, and they actually were off the ground a little bit. And those corridors would swim up against the stream and go into those pots and lay their eggs. And so all they did is come by every day and check to see if there's any eggs in the pot. They pull up the string. If there's eggs in there, they take them over and hatch them somewhere. So I think flow would be very helpful.

Speaker A:

Yeah. My experience, I've had river tanks set up lots of plant places, lots of places for them to jump into in the flow and scatter their eggs. They don't guard them. They're terrible parents. But you see just a gaggle of eggs and all you have to explain with them is a pleco. It's probably not the pleco.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Probably the corridor.

Speaker B:

That could be, yeah.

Speaker A:

Awesome. We finally got a question. All right, next one. Cook County, Minnesota. Listener Jacob says hello, guys. I'm a new listener. Excited to hear you're in greater Minnesota. Don't mind asking, what city are you guys based out of? Jimmy and I are in Perum, Minnesota. Adam is from Kellogg.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Kellogg as in the cornflakes?

Speaker B:


Speaker A:


Speaker B:

You guys make cornflakes down there?

Speaker C:

No, there used to be a couple of mills in Wabashaw, but everything gets shipped up to the cities now, and then it gets trucked up to the cities, and then the cities ships it out. There's a lot of that stuff. Lake City does it too. They do a lot of milling in Lake City and Winona.

Speaker A:

All right. I live in Cook County. Obviously the closest fish store is Duluth, but I was wondering if there's any fish stores in the greater Minnesota or even the cities that you like. Excuse me. Trying to get a few spots identified while getting back into the hobby for being away after over a decade and relatively new living in Minnesota. Thanks for your time and advice on the podcast. Well, if you're in the cities, I think one of Adam's favorite, my favorite is Tamed Waters. Definitely have to check it out. It's the only place where you can get the wall of Betas that you see, I don't know, 90% mung with pens there. Trying to get only the darkest ones. It's a very unique experience. Check it out.

Speaker C:

Forest Lake Pets.

Speaker A:

Yeah, Forest Lake Pets. It's got to be, like, one of the biggest in Minnesota as far as the amount of fish.

Speaker B:

Huge variety.

Speaker A:

If you're up in our area by Fargo D's fish Co. In Detroit Lakes, Minnesota. That's where Dan's camping out at. And how's the work going there? Good.

Speaker D:

You're going to be my DD tonight as we go up to get in that fish shipment.

Speaker A:

Excellent. So what time tonight is the fish shipment?

Speaker D:

Whenever we're done here.

Speaker A:

Excellent. So, yeah, check those out. Otherwise, riverside Aquariums, I think, is the new one. I'm trying to remember the name. It is a new Scaping esque place. It's very modern. It's quite cool. They focus on building the nano tank right there in person. Real cool experience, fortunately. Was it wet? World closed down.

Speaker B:

There been quite a few that didn't make her through the pandemic. Unfortunately.

Speaker A:

That one was shining through the pandemic. The city gave them a number that they couldn't refuse because they wanted the space.

Speaker B:

Oh, I'll take the money and run any day.

Speaker A:

They happily retired. Yes.

Speaker C:

Up in Cook County, because Duluth is where he's I mean, that's where I used to live. I would definitely go to World of Fish in Duluth. That one is still a mainstay. It's not a bad shop. I haven't been there for a few years, but the last time I was there, it was still pretty good. It has a lot of stuff. They've expanded a little bit into some reptiles and things. But, yeah, it's a good store.

Speaker A:

Awesome. Next one. This is an email I read ahead of time and it got me a little confused. The title is baby Fish Are Dying and I Don't Know Why. So Chris says, good evening. Love the podcast. Been listening to it every day at work to get it caught up. I'm at an episode of 85, so he's made it through most of them. I have about 40 baby peacock cichlids from my dragon blood peacock and my OB peacock. I put them in a ten gallon tank to start out, got a crack in it and moved them to a 20. Used the same water sponge, filter and gravel, which had crushed coral in it. And the same plants, two small tropica. Excuse me. He just says java moss. There you go. Tested the water religiously to make sure all levels was good. PH eight. No ammonia, no nitrite. 00:25 ppm of nitrites. Put shit in a bottle to be safe. Did good for a while, like a month. The past week or two, I noticed some have passed or two every other day. Thinking maybe the weaker ones. But today I have nine dead fish. Was wondering what I'm doing wrong. Something else in the water. Temp stays about 78 degrees. Feed them baby krill until they're big enough to eat crushed flakes. Any help would be appreciated. I'm currently at work. I get off at 03:30 P.m.. It's currently 10:30 a.m now. He sent this on February 1. By the way, you can call me when I got off work. Here is my personal cell. Thanks, Chris.

Speaker C:

You are not very good at answering these questions.

Speaker B:

Right? You're a bad person.

Speaker A:

It's an email. All right, you want live stuff, go to the Discord aquariumguyspodcast.com bought on the website. You'll get faster responses than this email. So I figure, why not Jimmy? If we just pick up the phone and call him, what do you think? Should we?

Speaker B:

I think we should.

Speaker A:

All right, let's make this happen.

Speaker B:

Let's pretend that he's like, winning a big prize.

Speaker A:

You've won.

Speaker B:

We'll rake him over the coals.

Speaker A:

We got to let him know that he's on the podcast immediately, though. It's only fair. Can't be surprised and ask his permission to air this later. Can't even read his telephone number, even.

Speaker B:

Though he typed it. Come on.

Speaker A:

Yeah, well, they can't see it, so that's all that matters. All right, we're calling you. This is your one shot. Hopefully you're not working.

Speaker B:

I hope he's at a strip club. Chick chicka, boing boing.

Speaker A:

Here we go. Your call has been formed. We're leaving a good voicemail, aren't we? System Chris? Oh, we're editing that out. Bleep that out. Editor Chris mailbox is full and cannot accept. Goodbye.

Speaker B:

Well, here's your voicemail.

Speaker A:

You suck, Chris. You suck. We tried. Now, since he's not going to get the voicemail, we can at least answer his question here. Gentlemen, why is this fish dying?

Speaker B:

Well, I didn't really hear what he's feeding me. I heard krill.

Speaker A:

Yeah, skill issue. It did skill issue. Such a cocky bitch. I did hear the word baby krill. So is he actually, like, crushing up the freeze dried baby krill, or is he hatching out some brine shrimp?

Speaker B:

Yeah, I just had a phone conversation with Anthony the other day. He's getting me some rams here shortly. He had some production problems with his rams, and he was pretty much the same problem. And what he found out is just that he did not have enough water change when he's feeding 400 rams in a small tank, and he wasn't doing quick enough water change on his stuff. So now he's doing fish room number two. And the other day when I talked to him, he had a plumber there, and they were setting up to do some nasty, crazy water change type system. So I would say water change. Water change. Water change.

Speaker A:

Yeah, it's not about trying to deal with the ammonia at that point. It's about putting the nutrients in the water. So unless you have finally figured out the amount of remineralation that you're going to have to put into a tank, just do water changes. That's the secret of any Florida fish farm, is good sources of just continual water changes and feeding. Like, if you're actually doing freeze dried baby krill. Got a question on that one. That one doesn't seem right. I mean, you can get some you can grind out blood worms. There's a lot of different foods because cichlids, especially peacock cichlids, can do a bit more than just brine shrimp. But stick to live cultures that would help you out a lot as well.

Speaker B:

I've been feeding my half moon male betta's live brine shrimp. I'd put in, like, three drops out of a little dropper. Four drops is too much because you can see the water quality change overnight oh, yeah. And stuff. So, yeah, just you got to be careful. Most fish, their tummy is only as big as their eye. You got to realize that the little fish can't eat much. And as a hobbyist, you always want to feed more than you think, so you don't want to start your fish, and then that's when you start doing the water quality problems.

Speaker A:

Now, Adam had something to say.

Speaker C:

Trick I'd learned from an old cichlid breeder, so you know how to grow. Angel fish grow better with current and discus, they grow better with current lake cichlids, especially African lake cichlids babies, they grow better with massive water changes. So the more water change and the more current you put on them, the faster they'll grow. So I'm almost thinking that they're just or you have one big one in there kicking everybody's ass and killing it. That could be, too. But I'm thinking water changes and current is what he needs.

Speaker B:

Yeah, if you have a large amount of fish in there, as they grow, they absorb all the calcium out of the water, so sometimes it doesn't hurt.

Speaker A:

Through cuttlefish bone, wonder shell, small piece.

Speaker D:

I'm just going to come out and say it. Test your water, folks. Just test.

Speaker A:

Nobody tests or taste it.

Speaker D:

Or taste. Test.

Speaker A:

Taste your water.

Speaker D:

That's right.

Speaker A:

All right, next one. Tank size weight concerns in a manufactured home. Noah wants to know. Hey, guys. Recently found your podcast. Enjoy it right around episode 60. I am a 22 year old manufactured homeowner in Maine, and I'm sitting on a concrete slab with little room to get under the home. A month ago, I set up a 55 gallon tank in my living room next to the load bearing wall with substrates and a 20 pound CO2 canister. 50 pounds total. I have started to develop a crippling anxiety of my floor or a fish tank breaking through the floor. I plan to put jack posts up in the house in the next day or two. Can you give me any advice to ease my nerves and convince me not to take it down or to take it down? I know it's tough to assess, but I'm really worried. To be fair, I've had twelve plus guests over a few times with no issues. And the floor makes a very, very light creaking noise when I go to turn on my CO2. Have you guys experienced any with tanks breaking floors at 700 pounds? How much of a threat does it really pose if that question is too specific? Okay, I'm just really worried and love my tank to pieces. Thank you. I think that's a we prefer specified questions. The generic ones are rather boring. So Jimmy, last time we had answered a question like this, you talked about a refrigerator. How heavy is the common fridge that we put in our kitchen?

Speaker B:

I'm guessing the common fridge is 150 to 200 pounds, depending on what type of fridge you have. And a fridge has four little pegs the size of a quarter that all the weight of the fridge goes into. And that's going to be more weight on the floor specifically to push through than an aquarium because it's spread out farther. We talked about back in the day of the waterbed. I mean, they would talk about 300 gallons on a waterbed, and as long as you're over three or four truss, which you would be, because they're six to eight foot wide, there would never be any problem having waterbed in a second story home.

Speaker A:

I looked it up. The modern fridge, it's a lot lighter than the old timey fridge. The modern fridges are around 300 pounds. With French doors.

Speaker B:

They're that much?

Speaker A:

They're that much. And they're on tiny pegs. Then we have the king size waterbed, which weighs around 1800 pounds. I would not worry at all. As long as you don't have a tank that is, I don't know, 11ft high and two inches wide, you should be good on a normal, standardized floor. If you really want to test it, get that 13th fat bitch in your house for the party next time.

Speaker B:

Exactly right. I would not worry about it. Adam.

Speaker A:

Adam died.

Speaker C:

No, I wouldn't worry about it either. I knew a guy, he had 255s in his living room, one on each side of the floors of the main walls of his house. They were fine. He never had any problem. He had a mobile home like that. You just have to make sure that you got your block set right. I used to set mobile homes.

Speaker A:

Well, perfect.

Speaker D:

More legs.

Speaker B:

Well, I mean, think about it. If the average person's got three people on a couch, a couch weighs a good 100 pounds, and you got three people on there, let's say they're average 150 pounds.

Speaker A:

I mean, I'm 335. I mean, come on now.

Speaker B:

With 1ft on Robbie.

Speaker C:

That's one Robbie.

Speaker A:

Yeah. I'm the 13th fat bitch at your party. That's what I'm saying.

Speaker B:

So what we're going to do is if you send us, like, $300, we're going to buy Robbie an airline ticket. We're going to send him. He can come over and jump around on your stuff.

Speaker A:

Yes. There you go.

Speaker B:

But you got to feed him.

Speaker A:

Next question. Story time. Listener story about I'll speed through it. Chelsea wants to say, hey, guys. Love the podcast. Adam is hilarious. My name is Chelsea. I'm very new to the hobby. I only ate it for five months. I have a 29 gallon with five adult black mollies and one Dalmatian Molly. I bought a ten gallon for my fry because the mollies are giving birth left and right and planning on giving the mollies to the local mama pop fish store. Anyways, a few weeks ago, I noticed my Dalmatian Molly was very sluggish, always on the lazy side, seemed a bit more run down. Also noticed a long string of poop and figured it was just overfeeding the fish and she was constipated. Long story short, I eventually saw her anus was swollen, tiny, red spiky things coming out. I googled the symptom and found out that she has hepatitis. Hepatitis? No. Here's the word you want to camelanis worms. Thank you. Parasite worms. I bought her months ago from PetSmart. Wondered if she had those worms the whole time I had her, because she never really grew since I've purchased her, frankly. I tried to find medicine. Supposedly, lemon levamisol thank you. Is the only ingredient that can paralyze these stubborn worms. According to the aquarium subreddit, I bought some Fritz expel pea on Amazon because no other store sold the ingredient which I needed. Unfortunately, medicine arrived too late. I had to euthanize her. Very sad. She was gasping at the bottom, unable to move. Didn't feel right to keep her alive. Two more days seemed right to end of the suffering. I learned a lot about parasites and how serious to take them. I bleach my plants when I buy them. I do parasite cleanse a couple of times a year to prevent with excel p and general cure. Thanks for reading, have a wonderful day. So Jimmy, when's the last time you've had worms sticking out your ass?

Speaker B:

Worms or like a condom hanging out? One time I woke up in the woods and that's another story. Okay, no, that's for another day.

Speaker A:

That's part of the cocaine bear side b. That could be.

Speaker B:

And talking about cocaine beer, now they're doing one meth alligator.

Speaker A:

I'm so excited, I'm not going to lie to you. Is that for real?

Speaker B:

Yes. So meth alligator is kind of real, but I'm thinking have they thought this through?

Speaker A:

Why are you guys looking at me? I want to see the whip. It the orangutan, you know what I'm saying?

Speaker B:

But think about meth alligator. What's he going to do? Gummy to death? He got a fucking teeth.

Speaker D:

I heard the UK is actually having a problem with the river Thames and how much coke is going into that water that it's starting to affect the fish.

Speaker B:

Well, that's where this cocaine bear came from. As an actual they found a 400 pound or 500 pound black bear dead next to a backpack that was full of penguin, full of cocaine. And the bear had gotten into the cocaine and apparently got lit up too much.

Speaker A:

Yeah, there's a whole story if you want to check that out. Go to Alexander Williamson's YouTube channel, the Secret history living inside your aquarium. He does a whole in depth on that and then talks about cocaine.

Speaker B:

Beta sweet.

Speaker A:

Check that out.

Speaker B:

And we want to send us some cocaine. Then we will gladly take this in our own hands and sell our own research. Google our own research. Exactly.

Speaker A:

So there was no question. Back to the fish. Fish topic.

Speaker B:

Was that Adam?

Speaker C:

Well, I was just thinking there's got to be a way. I mean all you'd have to do is you could technically ship cocaine with your fish from South America if you just had it liquid.

Speaker A:

Oh my God. Back to the poor girl's problem. She didn't ask any questions, she was just sharing her stad story. But Adam, when's the last time you dealt with worms in the aquarium and how did you take care of it?

Speaker C:

The last time I had worms or anything, I just thought it garlic. That garlic extract works really good. I've used the garlic guard sometimes. Garlic guard? Yeah, sometimes the parasite remover kills soft or quote unquote, like scaleless fish. So like your corridoris, your cinnadontus, catfish, that type of stuff. I've never seen it. I suppose if you did too much of it, anything can kill something. But that's what I've heard.

Speaker B:

And then back to her question. Did this thing have worms when she got it?

Speaker D:

Yes, absolutely.

Speaker A:

Mostly 100% it did.

Speaker B:

And here's the thing, is I wouldn't blame the particular place where you got it from. I know it's a big box store. We like to crap.

Speaker D:

Oh, I will.

Speaker B:

And stuff. They're getting their mollies from the same place that mom and pop stores are getting their mollies. So suck it up.

Speaker C:

Do you put enough salt in the tank for mollies?

Speaker A:

For mollies?

Speaker C:

Mollies are pretty much I've seen them in pure salt water. That's what I used to start up my saltwater tanks, is I'd put mollies in them. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure this kill any parasitites.

Speaker A:

This parasite I'm pretty sure is in saltwater or fish as well. Unfortunately, I don't know.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

I can confirm that the Fritz medication she purchased is correct. There are others, but yeah, that is definitely a known one.

Speaker B:

It's one of those things where by the time you see the worms, it's probably too late already.

Speaker A:

Probably. Unless you have a local fish store that carries the correct thing on hand.

Speaker D:

Which they should, they're sticking out of your ass, it's too late.

Speaker A:


Speaker D:

Disclosure, though, the only time I've ever gotten fish in with Camelanis was from.

Speaker B:

A big box store. Really?

Speaker D:


Speaker B:

Because I know they all come from the second damn place, and my prognosis.

Speaker D:

Was to throw them into the Thunder Dome and let God sort them out.

Speaker A:

Thunder Dome. All right.

Speaker B:

Was that your Oscar tank or your black convict tank?

Speaker D:

Nah, it's the pond out front.

Speaker A:

There you go. Next one fish tank question, and all it says is, hey. Thank you, John. Hey. For not giving us another single piece of information on that email with a question mark. I feel like I should just shout out his email to spam it to the world, but that's okay. Hey, bud. Hey. How you do?

Speaker B:

What's a gay horse say?

Speaker A:

All right, next question. Natalie wants to say, hey, guys. Recently discovered your podcast. Absolutely love it. Listen to them in order. Trying to catch up. So sorry if this has been covered, but I'm not there yet. I have leeches. I've recently discovered what I think are snail leeches. I have lots of them. At least ten is that I can see. My tank is a 20 gallon with pygmy cores, white cloud, mountain minnows raspberries, and a grandpa of a pineapple sword and one stubborn cherry shrimp. This was from last Saturday, March 4.

Speaker B:

Okay, so we still have time.

Speaker A:

This person emailed and also posted pictures on our discord. So let's go over to discord and look at the pictures. Jimmy, are you ready for it?

Speaker B:

Where is it at? Discord.

Speaker A:

Right. I will read the email as you look at these particular pictures right there. And most importantly, this video. You can see the leech right here, and it's just about there's a leech. Oh, my God. For sure leech. Now, the question is, what is the best way to get rid of these leeches.

Speaker D:

Let's sell them to Hoot.

Speaker A:

I don't think I can get them all manually. I've been watching these buggers lay eggs. Is there something I can kill them without harming? Anything else in the tank? I'm also biting the bullet and sacrificing my snails and shrimp. Will my corridor be at risk during the treatment? Do I need to scoop out the fish and nuke the damn tank? Thanks for all the wonderful information, the fun podcast, and enjoy the pictures from Canada we picked on her. We answered it in the discord. You have a food source in your.

Speaker D:

Tank and you have no fish that can utilize that.

Speaker A:

No fish that can utilize it. So get yourself some loaches, go to the store, get yourself a couple, I don't know, chain loaches, clown loaches. Have fun. They will hunt every single one of those suckers down and suck them up like they're spaghetti. You have the best source of food for specialized fish.

Speaker B:

It's another reason to buy more fish.

Speaker A:

It beats the whole let's nuke the tank. Just throw those in there and turn it into a thunder dome. Is that fair?

Speaker D:

Drop it into a shot of tequila and call your friends.

Speaker A:

Otherwise, there's things that you can do to chemicalize the tank, but your snails are going to be at risk and shrimp are going to be at risk. Your fish are going to be at risk.

Speaker B:

What do they have, assassin snail in.

Speaker A:

Their way, it looks, yeah. And Assassin Snail says they're getting attacked by it. She's pulled them off things. It's just not a good time at all for her. So, yeah, do yourself a favor, get that loach. Hungry loach. Don't get a coolie loach. Those guys chill out. Get hungry. Hungry hippo loach.

Speaker B:

Yeah, loach on cocaine.

Speaker A:

Loach on coke. In fact, leeches are better than coke. We also have another submission for the pornhub, so definitely check that out. There's a whole little video someone sent us. That is it for the email. So we are going over to the Ask for Help sections in the discord. We have set this up now as a new form post. So any question that you're going to ask in the discord, we are going to post here in the podcast eventually. Unless it's something entirely grotesque, which then it'll get deleted and put on patreon immediately. So check that out. So, first question, Jimmy?

Speaker B:

Yes, talk to me.

Speaker A:

Adam. If you go to Ask For Help, you can scroll to the bottom. We are on the post called Is it ick or is this ick? First person a pothead noticed that they have a 15 year old piranha. I'm not 100% sure if it's ick or a fungal wound. Please let us know what you think. So when you zoom into the picture here, you'll see this white mass on the side of its body. It's not a bunch of dots. That's just pitting and speckles from a normal piranha. Here you have this, what looks to be some sort of scar or wound that might have a touch of fungus.

Speaker B:

I agree.

Speaker A:

You agree? Concur doctor. Here's another picture, and even maybe a video. Yeah. You can even see shits dangling from it.

Speaker B:

Yeah. Tell me one thing, is there another piranha there that just bit him?

Speaker A:

Could be. It's a nice little circular bite, right?

Speaker B:

It's hard to say, but piranhas generally repair pretty damn quickly on their own. Yeah, because they're always nipping and biting and stuff.

Speaker A:

That one looks a bit fleshy. Add a little salt, see what happens. But yeah. Ken, confirm. I even posted this as the response. Jimmy salt, salt. Salt goes a long way.

Speaker B:

Next one, don't use iodine salt.

Speaker A:

Is this anubis rot? So we go in here and we see a nice mature anubis with what looks to be spotting, melting. Yes, it is anubis rot. You can confirm by asking if it's slimy, which of course, Dan the administrator in discord.

Speaker B:

Dan no slimy.

Speaker A:

Dan no slimy.

Speaker B:

What do you do for that? Anything.

Speaker A:

I have had anubis rot. I've never treated it, and I've had it go away.

Speaker B:

You just tear off the leaf and.

Speaker A:

What do you do? Plant.

Speaker B:

Going for the best.

Speaker D:

Get rid of the infected tissue, hope for the best.

Speaker A:

Cut it off, make sure it keeps continue growing. And I always flush the area, meaning that if you're leaving the plant rooted in there, grab a syringe and blast stuff off of it. Once you've cleaned it off enough, or make sure it has consistent flow around.

Speaker D:

The plant, do yourself a favor, just put it on a piece of wood.

Speaker A:

A little piece of cholo wood. Have some fun. They are slow growing, so don't feel like if you left it in there for two weeks after the trim, it's going to magically fix itself. It is a very slow growing plant. All right, next one. I am currently building a fish room. Twelve x 13ft to be exact. Plan to do drip irrigation with overflows. Also have two sets of Mars units that will convert to a drip system. And also plan to run air in the tanks. No filter at all. Looking for recommendation on what? Air driven filters. They must have items built excuse me. And any must have items for the build that can help me out with the build. Thanks in advance. Also, love the podcast. I asked, like, I'm confused. You have Mars units. You want to use air as the filtration. Why not just drive it through like you intended? The Mars unit to be done confused on the air driven. So he sent us pictures. There are the Mars unit in sections.

Speaker B:

He's doing it good, right?

Speaker A:

They're pretty damn decent.

Speaker B:

These are nice little very nice photos.

Speaker A:

Modded mars units. I recommended that he just connect them like he normally would. Put one pump on it, put a giant UV filter on the Sum bitch. Call it good. But he insists that he wants to do air driven, so I guess he's going to buy a bunch of sponge filters, put them in a Cadillac.

Speaker D:

How do I turn that into a motorcycle?

Speaker A:

Right? Yeah, I bought a boat. I wanted to rock crawl.

Speaker B:

If you want to talk about something you're worried about going through the floor. Mars units. I've moved three or four of them and I've never moved anything so freaking heavy in all my life. And then they put them on four or six pegs. Those might punch through your floor pretty easy because they are heavy mofos.

Speaker A:

Now, I don't want to just shit on this guy.

Speaker B:

Don't shit on it.

Speaker A:

I'm not shitting on him. Let's shit on him. You do. You boo boo. And let me tell you, the pictures you supplied us with. Nice. You're painting the walls. They are clean looking Mars units. It's going to look very, very nice.

Speaker B:

He looks like a big dude. I wouldn't piss him off. He'd kick your ass.

Speaker A:

And I understand you don't want to have units that share diseases between each other, but as long as it's not parasitic, the UV filter is going to take care of it. Doing sponge filters is not wrong. It's just wrong. So take that for what you will.

Speaker B:

Last night reading on Jack Watley and stuff. The only aquariums that they have plumbed together are their breeding pairs. They don't have anything else. Plumbed together because they want everything separate but their breeding pairs. The reason they keep them all together is because the pheromones once one pair starts clicking, then the rest of them start going and becomes a fish orgy. And you can check that out on pornhub.

Speaker D:

That sounds terrible.

Speaker A:

So as I'm going through, since these are older posts, I'm locking them. Next one is the well Rounded Diet. Wolf Mama wants to know my aquarium has tetras, two Bristle nose Platos cores, and four baby angel fish. What should I be feeding the tank to help prevent constipation more tetras? I want to make sure I'm giving them a well rounded diet. All the fish are too small to feed peas to. I can't cut the peas up enough to feed them. Poop on peas. I'm just going to read some of the answers that have been in the post because I feel like it's just too good not to put. So I wouldn't feed anything except nice tropical flake. You can add the occasional algae wafer and then immediately danton. Posted. Gut loaded pods.

Speaker D:

The flake is a lie.

Speaker A:

What are gut loaded pods?

Speaker D:

Amphipods copepods.

Speaker A:

So get yourself a tiny, tiny syringe gut. Load those bitches and throw them in there.

Speaker D:

Buttload them.

Speaker A:

Buttload them.

Speaker D:

Stick them up your ass.

Speaker A:

No, stick them up adam? Yeah. Adam, have you ever you gut them.

Speaker C:

By feeding feed the copepods good food and that guts. Load them. Gut gut loads them and then throw them in the tank. And I would do an LG flake, live brine shrimp. Anything is good.

Speaker A:

All right.

Speaker C:

But, yeah, that's what gut loading is. That's what we do for reptiles with crickets.

Speaker A:

That is the traditional thank you, Adam, for that. Now, there is the comedic gut loading. That is an actual, real thing that Dan and I are making fun of. So what I see people do is they go to their store, they get theirselves a dozen crickets. They take the cricket and they take an injectable and put the vitamin, the juicing components, whatever they're looking to do to their fish, and they buttload the actual bug. It is a thing that is becoming more and more popular. I thank Germany for this, but that's just my best guess. I don't have any data to prove this, but it is a big thing. Butt loading crickets are pretty fast.

Speaker D:

Hard to get them in your ass.

Speaker C:

Okay, so you're telling me there might be a tangent going here. People are wasting fucking time gut loading, shoving shit up crickets asses to feed their fish.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

When in reality, you just need to feed the cricket. Crickets eat literal garbage.

Speaker A:

They literally eat shit. They will eat whatever you throw in.

Speaker C:

The tank, feed it to them, wait 24 hours, and then it goes in the fish tank. Jesus Christ. People are stupid.

Speaker A:

Okay, excuse me, but you can't feed them juicing materials.

Speaker B:

What are you feeding your crickets, coke or what? I mean, if you want to feed.

Speaker A:

Your fish cocaine, that's probably the best way.

Speaker B:

Why don't you just juice your damn you can get all this juiced up freaking flake food. Why are you juicing up the crickets?

Speaker A:

Because it's much more torturous.

Speaker B:

My God, you people are psycho.

Speaker A:

Now, here's the best part with the shed, Adam. Go to the well rounded diet post and scroll down. There's a video that Dan provided us. And you'll see here, there's a Copepod amphipod. There's a pod.

Speaker D:

A pod.

Speaker A:

There's a needle. And they're just about ready to gut load the needle.

Speaker D:

That's not a needle, that's a microscope.

Speaker C:

Waste of time I have ever seen in my life.

Speaker A:

It was a good meme anyway.

Speaker B:

Oh, my God. You know what's funny, too? You talk about the things that I've seen. People are like, alfalfa tabs were a thing for a while. Alfalfa tabs, feed your plecos. Alfalfa tabs. And I know Steve Rubicki said on this podcast, he goes, when's the last time you saw a pleco out grazing in an alfalfa field? We're going to make some shit up and we're going to sell it to you.

Speaker A:

Hey, alfalfa still shrimp, eat it. So that's what happens. Literally, people.

Speaker C:

If you want to gut load your Copa Pods and crickets, take the juicing material, spray it on the fish food, the crickets and the Copa Pods will eat that shit. And then, oh, wow.

Speaker B:

It magically.

Speaker C:

Goes into whatever they eat.

Speaker A:

And if you want, here's what's beautiful.

Speaker B:

Is you spent more money on Copepods than you did for buying the Tetra.

Speaker A:

And if you want to buttload your crickets, go to Adamsbutloadcats.com, buy yourself the Syringe kit and start buttloading your crickets now.

Speaker C:

Dude, we need to sell that right now. I guarantee you sell the things.

Speaker A:

Damn it. We still have Jimskrotomdiscus.com, by the way.

Speaker B:

That's right, we own that.

Speaker A:

Yeah, we own that.

Speaker B:

Hang on.

Speaker A:

If it's not it's like $12 a joke, guys, we need to stop buying these domains anyways. UV sterilizer. Another question by Wolf Mama. Has anyone ever used a sterilizer like this one? Is it effective? And she posted a post of a three watt mini UV filter that we found on Amazon. So what this is I can explain it a bit. It's just a plug in little UV bulb that you can put inside the back of a hang on the back filter.

Speaker B:

We've got those, right.

Speaker A:

Generally, most of them just come in some Chinese knockoff brands, name from Alibaba. You'll see all different types of name brands. They're in the department of anywhere from seven to $20. And they absolutely do work. They don't last that long, but, yeah.

Speaker D:

They burn out after, like, a few months.

Speaker A:

Mine lasts a couple of years. That's max I've ever gotten out of them.

Speaker B:

Yeah, you just got to shove them in the back of your filter. You don't want them hanging in there.

Speaker A:

The rule of thumb is check them every 60 days and make sure they're not covered in shit. That's basically how they burn out. But again, it's just pieces of plastic you're putting in the back. They're not going to last forever, but they do do the work, and they do it for way better budget.

Speaker B:

You said doodoo. So if you wanted to butt load crickets with one of these filters no, we should sell cricket butt plugs.

Speaker A:

Oh, boy. This has went off well off the deep end. All right, next one is from Wolf Mama. The topic is, can I go topless?

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Excellent. We can move on.

Speaker B:

Next question.

Speaker C:

I don't see a problem with this.

Speaker A:

Yeah. In an effort to keep up with being the person who asked the most questions around, here's another question. Is it necessary to keep a lid on my tank? I have a 20 gallon and a 37 gallon freshwater mostly testrous my actual typed answer. It isn't necessary. But you do have the risk of running excuse me, jumping fish out of your tank. Most species don't do this, but you can even scare them by flipping the light on. There are species, such as hatchet fish, that you absolutely have to have a lid and duct tape the edges, otherwise they will all disappear. So do your homework.

Speaker C:

And if you're keeping blue rings, if.

Speaker D:

You'Re going to, just don't keep octopus. Yeah, honestly.

Speaker B:

Or don't spend the money on a. Top and just go out and buy yourself a cat. And your cat's got a self feeder.

Speaker A:

Basically. As they jump out, treat your aquarium like you would. There are places where you can go topless and there's places where you're required to top. Jimmy's just saying he likes Topless more.

Speaker B:

I love topless.

Speaker D:

Yeah, I'm in agreement.

Speaker A:

My sick fish. Oh, my God.

Speaker D:

Wall of text.

Speaker A:

Holy shit. In fact, I'm going to just skip this because there's a lot sorry, buddy. Hey, guys, need a little help. Two weeks ago, blah, blah, blah, two angel fish had problems. The recommendation was keep using Prazipro. Best of luck after the wall of text. Just another detail is people called this new Tank syndrome. New tank syndrome is when you didn't have the patience to let your tank actually cycle, build up macrobacteria, do its thing before you put your fish in. And now you have bacterial issues and other things, so we'll help with those. I'm just not going to read that one on the podcast today.

Speaker B:

You suck.

Speaker A:

Next question. Any opinions on the fluville? U. Three underwater filter.

Speaker D:

It's not aquitop so.

Speaker A:

I don't give a shit. There you go. I've had some bad experiences. My hang in the backs are leaking, causing water damage. Because of this, I've had to move three of my tanks from the original location due to liability, per my Nazi dad. So I'm looking for a different option and need a good amount of media. I have high phosphate levels and have to use GFO crush coil and all my filters. One, if you're having a hang on back filter that's leaking, I don't know what the hell brand you're buying.

Speaker B:

Toss them.

Speaker A:

Throw those bitches away. Get real. Hang on the back filters, I've never.

Speaker B:

Had a problem with that.

Speaker A:

I don't know. Was it? Neither have I.

Speaker C:

And Fluville is usually a good brand.

Speaker A:

Aqua top, am I? Fluville, Marine Land, Aquaclear. Any of them are all decent. If it's overflowing, it's because you haven't cleaned that cartridge out for, I don't know, a millennia.

Speaker D:

Make sure everything's level clean your filter.

Speaker A:

Yeah. Even if it's overflowing, it overflows over the filter pad. So I have no logical idea how they're leaking.

Speaker B:

It could be cracked, possibly, yeah.

Speaker A:

Good on you. But if you are, get yourself some internal sponge filters. I mean, the polisher that you're talking about for the Fluville is nice, but they have these wonderful sponge filters that you can get on Patreon from Jimmy that he cut out of a Cadillac and signed dollars.

Speaker B:

And he signed them, I signed them.

Speaker A:

Guaranteed not to leak unless you really can try. And I want a video.

Speaker D:

I need proof.

Speaker B:

Those are so nice, too. If you buy 100 of them, you could use them as a pillow.

Speaker A:

Yeah. If you want bulk orders, you have to be a patreon, but call us. So we gave some different filter recommendations, but yeah, there's something there. I want to see pictures of how those things were leaking, honestly, but I'll never get it.

Speaker B:

Yeah, and Dan made a good point, too. If they're sitting there's a little adjustment on the thing to keep it level, keep it pushed away from the tank on the bottom. And if you don't and it's sitting back at an angle, then it's going to leak. So that little piece that they got for it's a nickel, but if you don't have it, you're screwed.

Speaker D:

Yeah, I think a lot of the marine land filters come with adjustable leveling.

Speaker B:

Knob, or if not else you can just get yourself a little piece of something. Yeah.

Speaker A:

Wedge yourself something back there.

Speaker B:

Yeah. But just make sure it's level. And if you're not sure if it's level, buy a level for a dollar. 99. Harbor Freight.

Speaker A:

Yeah, harbor freight. There you go. All right. Upgrading a tank, and it's even spelled wrong. So I'm going to apologize to Tier Marlin. There are questions where people are concise and write a paragraph, and then there are questions where people don't give us any information at all. So, yes, we beat you up a bit, but please, if you're going to ask us a question, we're not the police. Give us a picture, give us details. So here's the question by Marlin. I have a 20 gallon reef tank right now. I'm thinking of upgrading to 30. How should I go about doing it?

Speaker B:

Buy a 30.

Speaker A:

Best answer here. Just do it. Thank you. And then Dan actually added ten hour soundtrack of diarrhea sounds.

Speaker D:

You wanted a good YouTube link.

Speaker A:

Yeah. Oh, my God. Yeah.

Speaker D:

Just run this for another hour. This is gonna be the whole episode.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

It's brought to you by Diarrhea so.

Speaker D:

Brought to you by Taco.

Speaker A:

John, get us a better question.

Speaker B:

Taco Bell.

Speaker A:

Okay, let's pretend that the question was legitimate. Does he want to move let's just pretend he's moving the 20 gallon to 30 gallon. Well, just make sure it's clean, rinsed out and I'd move it segmentally. If you have half of your live rock, half of your stuff, move it over and then finish off after a couple of weeks of that being established and move the rest over. There's not a lot of content here.

Speaker D:

It's just 30% more tank.

Speaker B:

I'm going to say do it. Here's the thing. In six months, you're going to be going I'm thinking about going to a 40 gallon tank because I have a 30. Just go to a 55 and be done with it.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Suck it up, buttercup.

Speaker A:

Yeah, I feel like we should send that guy a sponge filter for the Diarrhea meme. But what are you saying, Adam?

Speaker C:

Just take all the shit out of the 20 gallon, put it in a 55 to get it set up, and you're good to go. The live rock will colonize.

Speaker A:

Yeah, we were thinking about this too hard or someone was high. I'm betting someone was high.

Speaker B:

I can't believe the people on our podcast are into drugs.

Speaker D:

Well, I never.

Speaker B:

You should start. What do you got? That's it.

Speaker D:

Rob's, don't even try and read this one.

Speaker A:

You're gonna but you want you're reading this one now. Dan, lean into the mic. Let's read it out loud.

Speaker D:

Does canoplex kill aquarium plants?

Speaker A:

I really don't know this.

Speaker B:

What's canoplex do we know canamycin. Canycin. Is that any relation to ricin that you mailed to the White House?

Speaker D:

You got a stamp?

Speaker A:

We can find out here's the most accepted response canoplex. Another like neomycin, will not directly harm your plants. However, it will disrupt the microbiome of bacteria that helps deliver their nutrients. So expect them to be a little pissed off for a while. As for your snails, it's difficult to say at the concentration necessary to treat bacterial infection in fish. You can run the risk of causing a renal failure in smaller organisms. Important to give the kennemycin 24 hours after dosing to take effect. But more importantly, you'll need to wait an additional 24 for that time to their liver to excrete it.

Speaker B:

And what's he trying to treat? What's he treating?

Speaker A:

Aquarium. They're treating something else. They're just trying to make sure that their aquarium plants are going to be kosher.

Speaker B:

Buy yourself another ten gallon tank and put your fish in there and then treat them in there and put them back.

Speaker A:

There you go.

Speaker D:

So, yeah, as long as you're okay with your plants becoming blind yeah, you're good.

Speaker B:

When it said renal plants will be blind? Well, you said renal and I was thinking rectal, so I see we're on the same page. Renal rectal, rectal failure, renal is kidneys, renal rectal, whatever. It's all the same.

Speaker A:

Here we go. Next question. Floating red specks. Sand of Stars wants to know. Every time I do a water change, I find small red specks in the water. I use Ro water the night before and let it sit overnight to room temperature. The next evening, I add minerals and buffers from sea chem. At the time, the water is perfectly clear, but 2 hours later, I find specs. Any ideas what the hell these things are? They literally look like granules of sand. That's picture shows I don't know if.

Speaker D:

This is floating on top of the.

Speaker A:

Water or it looks to be in the bottom because it looks to be in the side of the bucket for this one. Like it stuck to it when he was pouring. Yeah.

Speaker B:

Is it in the tank after he pours it in there and mixes up the tank water?

Speaker A:


Speaker D:

So my best guess is if you're throwing all of this remineralizing chemicals in your water at the same time shit's binding. Yeah, exactly. So you're going to get some kind of chemical precipitant. My best guess is like ferric hydroxide or something.

Speaker A:

I made the joke to taste it, but you probably shouldn't taste it. Absolutely.

Speaker B:

Put it on a sandwich.

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

Disclaimer. It's salty. Who knew? Yeah, that's best. Guess there, bud. So I'm going to lock that one.

Speaker D:

It's schmoo.

Speaker A:

I've been slimed. Nacho. Mama Fried Chicken wants to know. I figured I'd run something past you because you're always willing to help. Last weekend our 25 gallon square tank had an explosion of trumpet snails. So the plan nugget nugget.

Speaker B:

Just throw the dumpster.

Speaker A:

It's gone.

Speaker B:


Speaker D:

You now have a snail aquarium.

Speaker A:

You now have harpies. So a plan was made. We started Thursday night. The tank is heavily planted. There are six blue dream shrimp, eight blue eye tetras that's what our store calls them. And water conditioners are ideal. Conditions are ideal. The shrimp and tetras were moved to a quarantine tank. So I put my son's three pea puffers to handle the snails. Not a big deal. Perfectly makes sense to see that we have all this available in the house already. Well, I went to my son's room, get the pea puffers, saw the tank exploded with slime and hair algae. The puffers are fine, but the holy shit, the tank is a mess. We'd like to try to save the plants. Kind of hoping that Siamese algae eaters would mow down the issue. Open ideas and criticism hit me up. Number one in the back you'll see an original poster of Star Wars with the Kerry Fisher heading so cool. Swag, if your tank is shit, at least the post here dead snails from the pea puffers cause decay in the tank. Hence the bacteria bloom. Clean up what you can, change the water and less light and get a near right snail. We have three near light snails in the house. I'll get them in the tank. Also, props for the Star Wars proposer and the most liked post was just turn off your damn lights.

Speaker D:

You have no idea how many people I get in the store that'll ask me, hey, I'm having an algae problem.

Speaker A:

Turn off your lights.

Speaker D:

How long do you run your lights? And the look on their face, it's the same thing every yeah, when you.

Speaker A:

Tell them 2 hours, they look at.

Speaker D:

You like, no, it's how long do you run your lights?

Speaker B:

All day.

Speaker D:

Like 12 hours.

Speaker B:

I was just on another podcast not too long ago stuff and they were saying to not do any more than 4 hours of lights for plants. That's all they need. I'm like, really? And they go, yes.

Speaker A:

Okay, we answered the question. They said, thanks, guys. Right? Then they tell us where they put on the poster. I was a garage sale when I was eight. Family won't part with it. The guy says, it's because you don't have a ten inch dildo in your tank. I said exactly. That's why your bacteria bloomed. I think for my next fresh water, I'm going to do a dildo tope. I love to get a shot of a plato cleaning off the film off one for science, and it kept going into editing of dill tope. So if you have a dill tape posted on there, you might get something sent to you for free.

Speaker B:

And here's the thing, is that just because your tank is already all messed up, there's still another 10,000 snails in the substrate.

Speaker A:

Oh, for sure. Darbud.

Speaker D:

There's always room for another dildo in there.

Speaker B:

Yeah. So I definitely would just take a dinner plate and put a few LG wafers on there, turn off the light overnight, and just turn it on in the morning. And you'll see that you'll have another 500 snails on there.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

And the thing is, when you start having that many snails, they will absolutely take every bit of calcium out of the water, and your shrimp are going to suffer, and everything else is going to go down the crapper, especially if.

Speaker D:

You'Re trying to do fry.

Speaker B:

Yeah, absolutely.

Speaker D:

It'll just stall.

Speaker A:

Well, let's see if we can go through. So we get people posting on here. This is Kaylee asking if her parrot looks normal. She sends in a video, and it's a beautiful parrot. The gills just wide face, little huffy puffy, probably stressed out, too. Well lit tank, but looks normal. So if you looks cute, if you want your cool fish analyzed for the sake of doing it, put on the discord. We ain't going to judge. We're just going to judge. If you ask us a question without any question, then we're going to put diarrhea. I think she was looking at parts.

Speaker C:

Of the gills and thinking that was worms.

Speaker A:

She actually sent up follow up pictures, and there isn't any.

Speaker D:

No, that's just ammonia burn.

Speaker A:

Yes, that's just ammonia burn. A little fresh. And I think she even took a picture of it in a petco, because it's really oh, yeah.

Speaker D:

No, I was going to say petco for sure. The blue background is the dead giveaway.

Speaker A:

Dead giveaway. All right, next one. Merciful War wants to know. So I picked up a rack of 610 gallons and some old Aquaris was using to breed guppies, bristle, nose, platos, and shrimp in. I looked into the shrimp and saw a very distracting red and distinct blues and very distinct. I would say black or brown.

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

Oh, boy. I have separated them out, but my issue that I only have is I'd like four blues and three reds and a lot of blacks. I think I can start a colony with black ones in the original colony. Oh, boy. I'm having trouble identifying the question you have, and that's what I posted in there. Got a bunch of shrimps, mixed colors, separated them by color. I only have three reds to start a colony with and also have a colony MutS. I said selective breeding. Only put the colors together that will match in a tank and hope that they breed herd.

Speaker B:

Yeah, it all depends on it. Are you trying to breed them or you just want them for pretty, right? If you want them for pretty, go ahead and mix them up. But your babies are going to look like little MutS.

Speaker A:

I mean, sometimes if you get if you get like a red and blue, you will get a green. I mean, that can to happen, but you're most likely going to eventually revert down to the brown.

Speaker B:

I mean, people have spent years and years and years developing all these colors and then you're just going backwards when you start mixing them up.

Speaker A:

Yes. And then you're going to give them your friends, and then your friends are going to get brown shrimp and we're all going to have to go back to the local fish store and get good ones.

Speaker D:

Oh no.

Speaker A:

What will we ever do? Here's a good one. Moving in a new direction. Rec wants to know. A weird part of me wants to have this question. The podcast discussion in the future. Well, guess what? It's here. This is a long explanation and simple question. So should I read the long explanation?

Speaker D:

No, absolutely not.

Speaker B:

Go ahead.

Speaker A:

I currently have a 75 gallon African cichlid aquarium that I've had for at least nine or ten months. It's been my reintroduction of the hobby after having a fish murderer in high school or being a fish murderer in high school. This time around, I've done the extensive amount of research not being lazy and doing things right. Over the the past 910 months, I've managed to keep this aquarium overstocked with around 24 three inch fish, keeping my parameters at near perfect levels throughout the entire time. This time, my wife has taken an interest in the hobby and wants fish for herself. But we don't have space for another large tank. Things changed quickly over the last month after getting my first nano aquarium with plants and shrimp and realized that I don't enjoy the hustle and bustle of cichlids as much as I enjoyed the piece and would have thought beauty of a densely planted tank with shrimp. I also want to include my wife more in the hobby since she's taking an interest. Am I an asshole if I want to move my current tank to a new direction by donating my cichlids to my local fish store and starting with a new fresh community shrimp tank?

Speaker B:

That's the way to do it, man.

Speaker A:

Another factor would be wanting to switch is the amount of maintenance cichlids require and the possibility of falling behind on it. And I'm probably starting a family. You're not an asshole. Find a good place for them. Local fish store can be great. You can try to find places outside of Facebook to get rid of them because Facebook does not like the selling trade of live animals.

Speaker B:

Go talk to your local fish store. See if you can trade them in. Get something. I mean, they're not going to give you retail value, of course, but it's doing the right thing is making sure that they don't go in a lake or in your pond or down the toilet.

Speaker D:

God, I hate cichlids.

Speaker A:

I have talked to a bunch of fish store owners, and there are quite a few fish stores that just have one big cichlid tank for drop offs. Because cichlids are the you know, they're easy to propagate. Everybody wants to start them up, and then they want to shut them down because they realize what it takes. So they just have really random mixed African selection to choose from.

Speaker B:

It's like having 50 Clivesdales in a tank as much as they poop and move every substrate around.

Speaker D:

If you like cichlids, you're probably a Masochist, right?

Speaker B:

Yeah, that won't piss anybody off.

Speaker A:

I'm looking to get started into a new aquarium and was going to use sand as a substrate. Where should I buy it from? Maybe Amazon or a similar place. I said pool filter sand from your local Menards, home Depot or Lowe's. Thanks. I don't have a Menards, but I have a Home Depot or Lowe's, so I'll check there. Excellent. They were actually quite shocked that Tractor Supply Co. Had $12.50 pound bags of blasting sand. And yeah, if you're looking for sand, it's a great place to start. If you're looking for either the black or the blonde. If you're wanting anything in between, you're probably going to have to Amazon it or go to your local fish store.

Speaker D:

This might come as a surprise to most people, but there is sand outside. It's free. The government's not going to stop you. You can just go out there and get it.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Do they have sand at banks that you can steal out of the parking lot, Jimmy?

Speaker B:

Yeah, they're right next to the bank where you can get your big rocks. Because I used to be right next to the bank, and they had these beautiful rocks about this big, probably four or five inches. And late at night, I would just grab four and put in my pocket every time I went in there. And I had a beautiful cyclic you.

Speaker A:

Know, I think you have a point. If you go out and get Santa your own, you can also have the treasures of finding, like, cat shit in.

Speaker B:

It and cigarette butts. Cigarette butts and cat shit and needles.

Speaker A:

That's California sand out there.

Speaker B:

Exactly. You go, what was I thinking? Dad's sitting right here.

Speaker D:

You're not wrong.

Speaker A:

All right, so here I put a question to Discord, and I got, like, shitty, shitty answers. What Rob's wants to know I currently sell merch through that guy.

Speaker B:

Is that you?

Speaker A:

Yeah, that's me.

Speaker B:

You're such a dick.

Speaker A:

I currently sell merch through Teespring, but Teespring has banned the I Love Cock line of merch because they don't apparently like immature fish jokes. So if you have any suggestions on another place the Aquarium guys podcast can work with, please let us know. Really haven't had answers. So cricket. Cricket.

Speaker D:

I got a question.

Speaker A:


Speaker D:

For the fans.

Speaker A:

For the fans.

Speaker D:

Everybody has fan questions. I have a question for the fans.

Speaker A:

For the fans. They're listening.

Speaker D:

Where the are you still listening?

Speaker A:

Yeah. I figure out they gave up at Diarrhea after there. They're going for bonus innings.

Speaker D:

I thought for sure episode 35 was going to do it.

Speaker A:

Yeah. We're almost 100, Jimmy.

Speaker B:

Oh, finally. We would have been about 200 if we went on vacation.

Speaker A:

Yeah, we had a good vacation.

Speaker C:

Are we at 100 yet?

Speaker B:

What's that?

Speaker A:

We're almost there.

Speaker B:

We got to be really close.

Speaker A:


Speaker D:

This is what, 96?

Speaker A:

No, I think we're 98 right now. We'll find out.

Speaker B:

Are we doing anything special for our hundred? I think we should do something really special.

Speaker D:

Let's do some blow.

Speaker A:

We should get drunk in your basement. You know what?

Speaker B:

Let's go to number 99 and just fall facing the earth.

Speaker A:

There you go. Bristol nose pleco fry. Price going to be selling 120 of my Bristle nose pleco fry sometime soon. When they're of size, how much would I expect to receive at like a wholesale level? Usually getting $2 per large mystery snail, $1 per guppy, and a dollar 50 or $2 for Molly juveniles. So I don't know, maybe three. $4 for a plato.

Speaker B:

Jimmy, what are you thinking right now? I bought 100 about two weeks ago, and I paid a buck and a quarter, and they were not very big. I was not impressed.

Speaker A:

So you're going to get a buck and a quarter and you're going to get two inches.

Speaker B:

Yeah, these were like an inch and a quarter, tops. And I was not impressed at all. I mean, they did fine and stuff, but people want them a little bit bigger than that. Sometimes you'll get a little bit better deal if you want to trade them for some product. Because what happens is people want to go in into the store and sell them, and the store wants to give you wholesale price, and then they'll sell you whatever they have on the shelf for full retail. So they just made money twice on you. So I always go, I mean, I know what the prices are. Any of the stuff that's on the shelf has probably been marked up twice. And you can go in there and say, well, how about you trade me that $36 heater for 50 plecos or something like that, whatever you want to do, and maybe you'll come up with a better deal or not than that. But it always seems like you're better off selling the plecos to another hobbyist and to a store sometimes. I'm just saying. Adam was just at a fish reptile show this weekend, and he saw some pretty big pretty big numbers going out.

Speaker A:

Nice. All right. Heater questions from Kaylee. Several questions. I always hear you guys talking about how heaters fail. Knock on wood. I've never had this happen three years. But what should I be looking for? Water temps pretty much stayed the same. Air out 80 for me. I run top fin heaters, which I know suck, but they work for me. Laugh my ass off. I said two things. They just stop working, and two, they electrocute the shit out of you and your fish. I posted a link for a titanium grounding probe and said thank me later. Titanium grounding probes plug into your three socket outlet, three prong outlet, and they prevent you from electrocuting your face off. I have been electrocuted many, many times from stupid reasons, from shitty heaters that I bought from Wish, from Amazon specials. All kinds of shit or old ones just given heaters to me. I'm like, let's test them out. Electrocuted the shit on my pants. It's pretty great.

Speaker B:

That explains quite a few things.

Speaker A:

When you taste metal, you know you should stop testing heaters.

Speaker B:

When you can smell colors.

Speaker A:

When you can smell the colors also. So that was my response. The most upvoted response was, every couple of weeks, you want to take the heater out and insert it in your ass. If it tingles, it needs to be replaced. Don't recommend that. No, but you're my oprah. Dan.

Speaker D:

Look inside your asshole. There's a brand new heater in there. Everybody look inside of your assholes.

Speaker A:


Speaker D:

Free heaters.

Speaker A:

Free heater, buddy. For everybody. You got a heater and you got a heater.

Speaker B:

When you buy these heaters, the one thing you need to do is use the goddamn suction cup that comes with them so they don't bang against the glass. Because all it takes is that one fish to get startled running into the heater. Smack on the glass, cracks the glass, and everything turns to ass.

Speaker A:

Not bad.

Speaker B:

That's good.

Speaker A:

All right, so next one PAX wants to know. My baby blue lemon seems to have developed two brown spots overnight. My 55 gallon tank. Everything looks good as far as Ppm water quality, temperature, baby bristle nose, four shrimp, and one mystery snail. He's been behaving like he's constantly hungry like the little ass he was before. Any thoughts? And he sent a picture. What you have there is what I'd like to call a freckle. I breed shitloads of Bristol's plecos. And that right there is a freckle spot. Freckle spots can either come and go as they age to adulthood. Some stay, some go. The things that you want to look for is any red edging, because then it could be an injury or bruising. This is definitely not. This is the common freckling that I see. Some breeders believe that they should cull that out. I do not. I've seen it where they'll get finally four inches, and after that whole time of growing to adulthood, the freckle finally goes away. Just don't throw away or cull your plecos.

Speaker C:

Just maybe he got loaded, something wrong, and it got something. Yeah, maybe that's from the butt loading.

Speaker A:

Yeah, that's an injection spot. That's what it is.

Speaker D:

Yeah, but it's on the face, so he definitely up.

Speaker B:

Maybe the pleco is shooting heroin. We don't know.

Speaker A:

We don't know.

Speaker D:

You want to hide the marks?

Speaker B:

Yeah, you don't want any track marks on your damn pleco.

Speaker D:

That's right. You got to do it right between the fins.

Speaker B:

The phone calls that I get all the time from people are like, oh, my parrot fish have black spots on them. And you go over and you look at them and go, well, they didn't have them yesterday. Well, the parrot fish will keep changing colors constantly, kind of like a goldfish. And I had just recently bought about 40 parrot fish, and they were all bright orange. But guess what? After all the juicing came off of them, they all had black spots underneath them, every one of them.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

So I got a question.

Speaker C:

You have to feed them butt loaded food.

Speaker B:

Yeah, exactly.

Speaker A:

All right.

Speaker B:

Some cricket.

Speaker D:

But how many of you believe that goldfish actually change color? Like, 100% of the time? You know that there's some parents out there that are like, this is the closest color I could find to your dead goldfish. And then in a week, I'm going to get you another one, and it's just going to be this slow color morph.

Speaker A:

Over ten years, I've had a lot of goldfish. Jimmy's had a lot of goldfish. We've all seen it where they do and don't.

Speaker D:

Do you think it's 100% like, oh, yeah. No, it's just goldfish change colors.

Speaker A:

In my experience, it's 60 with just the normal what was it, the feeder goldfish. 60% of them chip morphin color.

Speaker B:

I mean, when you get in the young goldfish, I mean, they are freaking black asus pades.

Speaker A:

Yeah, but I've had some that don't change at all. They just stay gold all the way.

Speaker B:

To adulthood, but then they'll change.

Speaker D:

Stay golden, pony boy.

Speaker A:

Okay, here's the thing. If you get yourself a brown or blackish type goldfish, when they're the feeder goldfish, most of the time, we'll say 90 plus percent those morph into a different shade or completely golden.

Speaker C:

Most of the time, they go mostly golden. Just about every time they go golden.

Speaker B:

Absolutely. So I just sent you guys a thing today, and I don't know if you saw a thing on the email, and there's somebody talking about their monster goldfish spreading across canada and how they are self morphing, which I thought was an interesting choice of words.

Speaker C:

Self cloning. Monster gold.

Speaker A:

No, goldfish. Don't okay. Self cloning goldfish. Was it football size? Self cloning goldfish. And then I got an ad. Oh, there we go. Monster goldfish are taking over Canada lakes by the thousands. They are not self cloning. No, there's no way. Females don't even need a male to reproduce. They have special okay, yeah, fish can change genders, but that doesn't mean they clone, right? Yeah.

Speaker B:

I just love that. These people just come up with this crazy stuff.

Speaker A:

You need to stop getting into the fish hobby bloggers. Next one. Feeding My Fish recently set up a ten gallon tank. Got two guppies, five tetris. They won't eat the food I give them. We experimented with different foods. Can anybody tell me what to try? Well, you just set up your tank and you got a bunch of skittish. Well, the guppies aren't skittish as much but you got yourself a bunch of skittish fish in a brand new tank. Turn off your light, wait a day, try again and keep that light off. Don't turn it back on.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Until they start feeding. That means they're not as stressed and.

Speaker B:

Do you have a heater in the tank? If you don't have a heater in the tank they're not going to eat.

Speaker A:

They're cold.

Speaker B:

They're cold.

Speaker A:

Would you say Adam?

Speaker C:

And make sure that you're feeding appropriately for the size of the damn fish. Don't throw a hand a shit ton of food in there thinking that they're going to eat it when they're not.

Speaker A:

And take out the food they don't eat if you try siphon it out.

Speaker B:

Yeah, because a fish's stomach is only big as his eye.

Speaker A:

Right. Next one. Prego ember tetra. Hi to me again. Merciful War. I have an ember tetra that I believe is pregnant. I've separated out from another tank. I was wondering if anybody had an experience breeding those and the best way to do is spawning. Now in here I have this wonderful video and you can look it up. It's by a gentleman called Keeping fish simple. The dude I believe is in Australia, young guy, he shows this wonderful way that he breeded tetras bread. Excuse me? Bread tetras. Because I'm not retarded in tubs.

Speaker B:

Neon tetras.

Speaker A:

Yes. And he did all actually other species as well.

Speaker B:

This kid breeds everything in fish boxes, old fish boxes, styrofoam fishbox. He's breeding beddings in there all the time. You don't have to be fancy to try to breed them but you're going to need yourself some males amber tetras if you're going to get those eggs out of that female.

Speaker A:

So again, keeping fish simple. On YouTube, the title is Breeding Neon Tetras in Tubs. Check it out. Pretty damn quick question. Cool post. Yes.

Speaker C:

I thought that most tropical fish are illegal in Australia.

Speaker B:

Well this kid has got he's got a huge pet store now. He's quite the guy.

Speaker A:

They are not. They have a bunch of rainbow fish species that are illegal. There's different requirements in Australia but they have a quite popular trade down there.

Speaker B:

This young guy Adam started out in his parents basement and now I would say he's probably in his twenty s and stuff but he has got a cult following. I just watched a video with him the other day and he was at Aquashella in Texas and stuff and he was just there and his mom came along, which was really cool. And she was pointing out fish to him, saying, Can I get some of these? And he goes, Aren't you the parent? He said to his mother, yeah, he's in his early twenty s now, I believe. And he does a lot of cool stuff.

Speaker A:

YouTube mogul now, and he deserves every bit of attention he gets.

Speaker B:

And he's got a positive attitude. And he talks about once you're done, at the end of the day, give it another 10%.

Speaker D:

He's doing pretty good. He moved out of his parents basement and now he's living in a van.

Speaker B:

Down by the river.

Speaker A:

Literally what no one can do in this day and age.

Speaker B:

That's right.

Speaker A:


Speaker D:

That sounds pretty comfy. You know how much a van cost?

Speaker A:

A fan?

Speaker B:

Yeah, you should know.

Speaker A:

Injury, ick or finrot? Wolf Mama wants to know my tetra.

Speaker B:

Yes. I'll take injury on a fish for 200.

Speaker A:

Not a topless question. My tetra has a white spot and a bend on the fin. Where it's located. I'm thinking injury. So we took a picture here. We have Long Finned white skirt tetra, and it has one lump, a white clump at the edge of its fin where it does look bent. That is absolutely an injury. That is either the fin actually broke, that's why it's bent. And we also have where it probably brushed up against a plant. I'm seeing what looks to be a fake plant in the background that it probably scraped itself on.

Speaker D:

Nobody cleans their fake plants.

Speaker A:

No one.

Speaker D:

It is just a vector for disease.

Speaker A:

Not only are they bacteria, they're sharp and they don't clean them.

Speaker D:

Oh, do you see the new serrated fake aquarium plants coming out now? That's going to be fun. We're going to sell a lot of.

Speaker A:

Ick, X, how to shred your fins.com, but yeah. So check that out. And I think this needs to be highlighted. Some guy wanted to help because this is a community forum, so other fish experts or non experts are allowed to comment, ask questions and help answer these and says, take the fish to the local fish store so they can identify what it is. That's the best course of action. No, leave the fish in the tank, take a picture, post it on the form and ask some people, rather than disturbing an already injured fish.

Speaker B:

Or take the fish and mail it in.

Speaker D:

Yeah, take it out to pasture.

Speaker A:


Speaker D:

Lick it needs some mountain air.

Speaker A:

Put the stamp on the fish while buttloading it.

Speaker B:

A lot of times when they'll break a fin like that and that's just a calcification of bone growth.

Speaker D:

Yeah, it's like a cyst, basically.

Speaker A:

It could be there for the rest of its life, but for heaven, don't do anything to it. It's happy. All right, lock that post. Next, tank lighting. Wolf Mama wants to know she's a big fan of yours, Jimmy. Just want to let you know that.

Speaker B:

Where does she live? That the one that sent the picture.

Speaker A:

No, it's not. No, this one's just a dedicated discord follower. Hopefully future Patreon win Quink.

Speaker D:

Let's just DOX all of our fans.

Speaker A:

Yeah, wolf mama says so. I've been researched. Well, I mean, there's like eleven questions. You can deserve a little attention, you know what I'm saying? And they have been good questions and they got to give their credit.

Speaker B:

I mean, most of these questions are from women and they think that we're misogynistic what's the word?

Speaker A:

They're just feeding our egos. That's what this is all about. Anyways, Wolf mama wants to know I've been researching different lights for plants and I've learned that blue light penetrates the water deepest, and red light tends to cause less algae growth. Does anyone know if red light is better for underwater plants? And you know what I did instead of me trying to recreate the wheel here Bentley. Pascal pasco. Pascal, Bentley. Bentley.

Speaker B:

He was on one of our episodes. He's a good guy.

Speaker A:

He's a good buddy of mine. We probably play magic every other week together.

Speaker D:

Get bent.

Speaker A:

Excuse me.

Speaker B:

You guys play together every week?

Speaker A:

Yeah, we actually play league of legends as well.

Speaker D:

He's so fun.

Speaker A:

He's good at what he does. So he's got this wonderful YouTube video saying how does the light spectrum affect accordion plants? And talks about different lights, the penetration. What different types of plants? All the goodies. So I'm just going to leave that there. Check that YouTube video out. Bentley does it better than anybody.

Speaker B:

Yeah, because if anybody knows about penetration, it's Bentley. Yeah, light penetration.

Speaker A:

You heard it Bentley.

Speaker B:

Light penetration.

Speaker A:

I'm sorry. Light penetration. Light penetration.

Speaker B:

Light penetration for teeth.

Speaker D:

A little bit of choking.

Speaker B:

Just a tip.

Speaker C:

My God.

Speaker A:

All right. Axolotl with fungus. Nacho mama fried chicken wants to know. Hello. My family and I decided move our axolotl to a smaller tank, 55 gallon to 20 gallon long. While removing him, we noticed that he has a white cotton like fungus on his gills. Wondering what a couple of things. Can we still use the ten gallon water from the tank to establish the new tank, or does the fungus stay in the water making it so he can't reuse anything? Also, what's the best treatment for this? He's in a five gallon bucket right now. This post was not answered.

Speaker D:

So I'm going to play the devil's advocate here. Just cut the gills right off. They'll grow back.

Speaker B:

See? No, my thought is that why wouldn't you just take them and soak them in boiling oil? Because they're freaking delicious.

Speaker A:

Oh, yeah.

Speaker D:

Deep fried axolotl is pretty tasty stuff.

Speaker A:

I'm going to let you guys know that you're all going to hell. Number one, you can't use chemical. Axolotls, being the amphibian that they are, are the most susceptible thing on planet earth to any type of chemical. So there is methyl hope.

Speaker B:

So pray for them.

Speaker A:

You can't use anything.

Speaker B:

I can't use? Methane blue, bitches.

Speaker A:

I don't think so.

Speaker B:

Why can't I use methane blue?

Speaker C:

Methylene Blue. Robbie. I've seen it in the show.

Speaker A:

You see, I was about to just send this question off to the herp man, which is Adam, because you're the expert here.

Speaker B:

All right. Why can't I use herpa is harder, baby.

Speaker A:

We're fish people. Show us your herpes ways.

Speaker B:

I can't use methylene blue.

Speaker A:

There you go. So methylene blue would be what you recommend for this person right here?

Speaker C:

That's what I would recommend, if it's even a fungus. I've never heard of axolotl getting fungus on their gills. I know they'll get feathery. Like, I'd like to see a picture of this, to be honest.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Here's a quick question. Are axolotls considered, like scaleless? Kind of like clown loach? Are they scaleless fish? Where you would use like, a half a dose, maybe start out light?

Speaker C:

That's what I would recommend.

Speaker B:

Or would you just go tidy bowl blue?

Speaker C:

No, I would not do tidy bowl blue. I would do, like half dose. Just start with that. But I'd up the temperature a little bit. There's actually a couple of axle auto breeders.

Speaker D:

As a preemptive treatment, do you recommend running tannin rich water in an ax lottle tank?

Speaker B:

Good question for you.

Speaker C:

I don't know why you well, yeah, that should work. I know that they're normally found in the lake of Mexico, but that's usually a hard water lake.

Speaker B:

See, I'm not familiar with axials, other.

Speaker A:

Than I've had axolotls, I don't know much, because anytime I've had an axolotl, it's been solid. I haven't done shit to them. They just live. Even when their entire leg gets bit off, they grow it back. As long as I don't put chemical and I keep the water cool, they're kosher. Like, any problem I've ever seen someone have with an axolotl has to do with them being too hot in the room or putting a heater in, like a dumb dumb. Axolotls require zero heater. They need to be cool people. Put fans on the top of those aquariums.

Speaker B:

I see a lot of axolotls just in plastic buckets. When people are selling them. They don't need oxygen with ice packs.

Speaker A:

In them, mind you.

Speaker B:

They don't need much.

Speaker A:

Keep them cool, keep them clean. That's the rule of thumb. And I've never had a problem.

Speaker B:

Hey, Rabbi.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

Oh, sorry, Jim.

Speaker B:

I was just going to say, what about a quick ride in the dishwasher? Just to kind of clean those gills up.

Speaker D:

That's right. Put them on the ecosystem.

Speaker C:

That would work, too.

Speaker A:

Buttload them.

Speaker C:

We should get one of the axolotto breeders out of the twin cities on the show.

Speaker A:

Yes. Make that happen. Contact us. We need some axolotl people. Okay. I could have Mr. Ray from the Fargo area. He has bred thousands of axolottals in all colors. He might join us.

Speaker D:

Have him call me.

Speaker A:

Actually, I reached out to him years ago and he was busy, so he might be able to do it if I reach out again.

Speaker D:

He's still busy.

Speaker A:

He's always just when we talk to.

Speaker B:

People, they're all busy. I don't get it.

Speaker A:

They're not. They're not. People are very normally very excited to come on the pod.

Speaker D:

Your reputation precedes you.

Speaker A:

Yes. Butt loading. Get on it. All right, next one. Bacteria bloom. Cheese Whiz wants to know I've done two water changes over the last two weeks. The tank still cloudy, and suggestions? Stop doing water changes. That's number one voted my dick sure.

Speaker D:

Does hurt when I hit it with a hammer.

Speaker A:

You're just the worst. All right, what should I do? If you have cloudy water, your water is not most likely not cycled. Finish cycling the tank. Tank syndrome.

Speaker B:

Put some prime in there.

Speaker A:

Yeah. I love how there's a new craze between my YouTube friends that they're starting to put out. I'm done doing aquariums instead of doing ecosystems. Bravo. Stop this madness.

Speaker B:

Stop the insanity.

Speaker A:

Cycle your damn tank. All right, next.

Speaker C:

Well, this person said that it was established became cloudy after a water change, which negative.

Speaker A:

No. Negative.

Speaker C:

Yeah. That's no way it is established negative.

Speaker A:

It says I've done two water changes over the last two weeks and it's still cloudy. That tells me right there you haven't.

Speaker B:

Cycled your tank or using lemonade.

Speaker A:

Stop pissing in your water. All right. That actually would probably would clear the cloudiness, to be fair. Yeah.

Speaker D:

Give it something to eat so it doesn't die.

Speaker A:

All right. Hi. Actually done that piss in your tank.

Speaker B:

Fish is all the time.

Speaker A:

You know, I'm not going to lie to you.

Speaker B:

I did it once, and that why my discus died at my house when I was on vacation.

Speaker D:

Anyways, $25 or more subscribers to the Patreon, I will come to your house and piss in your tank.

Speaker A:

Okay? All right. Not bad.

Speaker B:

For $50, I'll take a dump. But I don't want anybody watching me because I can't perform under pressure. Nobody watching you'll. Just see the big floater going. Is that a Baby Ruth?

Speaker A:

Next question. Ernie wants to know hi. My friend just sent me this picture of a fish. Can anyone tell me what's wrong? And it's a picture of what I could just say is a bronze corridor that I can only describe. Looks like it's rolled in flour. Looks like he's got a little ick on it. The number one most uploaded post is just shit. Question what's wrong with the fish? Shit.

Speaker D:

It's covered in shit.

Speaker A:

It's just covered in shit. Yeah. It's so hard to tell because it's a brand new tank. The fish has been thrown in it. It looks like it's just rolled in salt, so it's probably velvet fungus. Who knows?

Speaker D:

It's covered in shit, on top of shit with shit next to it.

Speaker A:

Yes. Your fish is probably dead by now.

Speaker D:

Oh, no, it's a corridor. It's probably love and life.

Speaker A:

It's true. I've had where I told someone to add salt to a tank, and they put the coal crystals in, and the corridor is rolled in it until their fins burnt off, and all they were is just stubs. And that corridor lived for, like, four years with just stubs. It could barely move. It would roll across the bottom, and it would just live happy.

Speaker B:

And they named him what?

Speaker A:

Nub. They lived. So, yeah, sorry, bro. Your fish is rather dickered. Buttload it and send it back. Help me decide. Beta Ideli or chenna?

Speaker B:

Andrano I would get the red wine with the pasta that's right. That we're talking about.

Speaker A:

Well, if you look up the chenna and drano, it's quite the cool, rare fish.

Speaker B:

Looks angry.

Speaker A:

It's extremely expensive. Generally, you get it in zoos.

Speaker D:

So, of course, if you're allowed to keep snakeheads where you live, just get all of them.

Speaker A:

Get all of them and then release.

Speaker D:

Them all into the wild.

Speaker A:

Don't you dare. That's not even a joke on this podcast. Adam thought that shit was funny. I know he did, because he's a son of a guy.

Speaker B:

Yeah, especially if you're in Florida, because they love the snakeheads down there.

Speaker A:

Oh, boy. All right, you all think this seems like cool things that bought one more time.

Speaker C:

I almost bought Large Death Stalkers at the reptile show, but they weren't the really little dangerous ones, so I left them there.

Speaker B:

What's that? Death Stalker?

Speaker A:

Remember that scorpion that almost killed him they brought into the shop?

Speaker B:

Oh, that was hilarious.

Speaker A:

Yeah, that's what he's talking about. All right, so Kaylee wants to know you all think this seems to be a good investment or legit. I've never bought fish on Aqua bid, but it seems like a good deal to me. Thanks for your feedback on Aqua bid. And I think this is an old bid, but we'll look at it anyway. Sure enough, auction closed January 30. They have on here for $90.00 bids.

Speaker D:

Kind of that's the dead giveaway, right?

Speaker A:

That's the dead giveaway they have on here. Snow white pleco. Four pack. And they have pictured of what looks.

Speaker D:

To be like those are albino plecos.

Speaker B:

And there's ten of them. That's what's funny. It's a four pack. Here's a picture of ten of them.

Speaker A:

I don't know, with the picture, they just look to be like just a white basic bitch pleco. It's really hard to tell if it's an actual part of some sort of L series. And there's literally no detail on this on what L it is. Glad you passed. No bids on this. And it all went away. So Kaylee did well by not getting it. But if you're going to do it, always ask for pictures of the adults. If you're an Aqua bid and you're really considering something, every legitimate seller will have the picture of adult that they'll give you. If it's not posted, they will give it to you. If they don't give it to you, skip them. They're probably fake and full of shit.

Speaker B:

I have bought a lot of stuff off of aquid the first thing I'll tell you is don't buy anything from anybody overseas. And what they'll show you on Aquabid is there'll be a little American flag on it if it's in the US. But if it's like right now there's a guy from Thailand selling $35 $40 pairs of guppies. You have to pay two different trans shippers.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

They're going to ship three guppies from Thailand and hope to get here live. And then he says, if you read it, the fine print, you have to promise that you won't give me any bad press.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

It says right on there, you can't say bad press or I'll block you. So I'm going to send you some dead fish, charge you $100 for them and then you can't say anything bad or I'll come over and break your fingers. Buy somebody. Just look at there's a lot of people on Aquab that have got 800, 900 great reviews and just go with those people. But unless you're buying something that you can't get at your local store, I would not buy regular plecos off Aqua bid. People have beautiful calico, long fins that you don't find very often.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

So I mean, just do your homework, but try to try to buy stuff from people in the United States. And remember, like our problem right now is we're at northern Minnesota and to ship something from Mississippi to northern Minnesota, unless it comes overnight, it's probably not going to get to here alive. And a lot of these people are just shipping it two days postal.

Speaker A:

Sure. And they have the options where you can pay for faster insurance and all kinds of shit. But just do your homework. It's really not hard to look up these sellers. Next one, one year old Mabuna. I have this about a year old. It's not colored up yet. Is this normal? Yellow is one of the parents. The other parent died a few months back. I assume the yellow is dad due to the size. Not sure how to sex. Question one, is it normal? Two, what are some things I can do to help? So it's got two pictures. Picture on the right is an extremely bright fluorescent yellow cichlid. On the left is the same body structure cichlid, but it looks almost peach. He's asking what he can do to.

Speaker D:

Help get rid of it and get a real fish.

Speaker A:

I literally posted add more tang powder for stronger flavor.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

That was my response.

Speaker D:

You're not mixing the Koolaid strong enough.

Speaker A:

When you have mixed African cichlids, some of them will bloom, some of them won't. Sometimes it's due to dominance, sometimes it's due to juicing. Sometimes it's due to there's a lot of different effects. Genetics. So you rolled the dice, you got one that's peach and you got one that's fluorescent bright, brilliant yellow. Roll the wave, bro, and enjoy your fish.

Speaker B:

Still a good looking fish.

Speaker A:

Yep. Oh, no. How long will my seeded water stay good in a jar? I immediately put, what the hell is seeded water? Lol is wondering what else to call my shit water when I ring up my sponges. That's water. That's cycled. Oh, shit water. I go, yeah, cycled shit water. That will probably only last three days, but who am I to know? Apparently we did some homework and they said, what's the procedure to dump water in a tank? Just plop the new sponge and let it sit for a while and said, what if I vacuum seal it and toss it in the fridge? We keep going, and I usually take old water, ring out in the sponge a few times and dump to the new tank. Normal people jar. Jellies and pickles. Not literal pickle shit. So then I put, of course, a picture of Rick and Morty's. Pickle Rick. But I put pickle shit. Pickle shit, pickle shit. So, doing more homework, we figured out.

Speaker D:

That it really depends on which My Little Pony you stick in that jar, right?

Speaker A:

So on average, live bottle, under optimal conditions, the period time is about one year that nitrifying bacteria doesn't die in a bottle. You can do extra measures to put it into a refrigerator to help it last long, but apparently you can pickle your own shit. You take your shit water, put it into a jar, put it in your fridge, and you should be good for about a year to have nitrifying bacteria in a bottle that you made it in your own.

Speaker D:

And then Jenkum makes a comeback overnight.

Speaker A:

So I'm now going to start pickling my shit.

Speaker B:

Jimmy pass. Hard pass.

Speaker A:

Hard pass.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I mean, I buy stuff in an eyedropper from one of my suppliers, and they say to try to use it up in 90 days and keep it refrigerated. But also they have four different kinds, and they actually have stuff that's for professional aquariums people that are trying to set up big aquariums. And it's only a dollar. Morris I usually buy that because it's supposed to be more potent, but I don't know. They could be selling me blue water in a tiny bowl. You never know what you're getting.

Speaker A:

Just going through a couple more posts here, see if we can do a couple more. Oh, here's a good one. Not racist and that's spelt not R-A-Y space C-I-S-T not racist. Wants to know euthanasia without clove oil. Anyone know a humane way of putting down a Beta without clove oil? My boy is on his last hours, and I have no clove oil on hand, and I want him to have a peaceful end.

Speaker D:

How fast can you swing a ball pin hammer?

Speaker A:

We wanted to be more sensitive. His friend is passing away and he wants to do it correctly. So we had a great suggestion saying don't use alcohol, because that was immediately say, put a shot in tequila, throw the fish in it.

Speaker D:

Every fish keeper has vodka on hand.

Speaker A:

Don't do that. That'll burn them alive. Instead, go to your drugstore, get a bottle of tooth, medicine, the Novocaine shit or ambisol, whatever you want to call it.

Speaker D:

No, it's technically just clove oil.

Speaker A:

Yeah. The toothache shit is I would take.

Speaker B:

The fish go to I would take your fish and put them in a if it's better, right? And I would just put them in the freezer. He'll get cold and go sleepy by I mean, that's what you do with reptiles, don't you? Add them.

Speaker C:

Well, no, you don't want to do that anymore. You used to. That's what I was told to do, but now you can actually euthanize. I take them in to get euthanized.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

They used to tell you put them in the fridge and then they used to say, put them in the fridge till they get cold and then toss them in the freezer.

Speaker A:

But I don't know, freezing to death doesn't exactly sound like a good time.

Speaker B:

That's how I want to go.

Speaker A:

I mean, I want to go eating eating something from McDonald's. That's why I keep getting the adult. Excellent.

Speaker B:

I hope it's a McRib. And I hope you poop yourself when you die.

Speaker A:

What is next? I'm trying to find the one where he asks about CO2. That's my favorite one.

Speaker D:

You know what? What's the one that says suction cup dildo?

Speaker A:

No, that's going to be a goal. You got to go on the aquarium for that one.

Speaker B:

There's one that says looking for live food cultures to buy. Hit me up with options.

Speaker A:

Yeah, that's me. I want to do some swapping on the aquarium guys.

Speaker B:

So you're looking for live what type are you looking for? Are you looking for microworms?

Speaker A:

I'd like some vinegar eels.

Speaker B:

Vinegar eels?

Speaker A:

But I'm open to options. Like if you're like some weirdo that puts shit in a cup and it could feed fish. Hey, that Leeches guy should call me, you know what I'm saying?

Speaker B:

No, I know where you can get vinegar eels.

Speaker A:

I'll show you.

Speaker D:

If you guys got blackworms and you'll ship to Minnesota, hit me up.

Speaker B:

Why are blackworms now more expensive than ribeye steak?

Speaker D:

Because they taste better.

Speaker A:

There's a shortage. Shit crashed. There wasn't enough people doing it. COVID I mean, they don't ship.

Speaker B:

I mean, two years ago they stopped.

Speaker A:

Shipping in from international places.

Speaker B:

Because, I mean, most of the blackworms in the US are all out.

Speaker A:

They're gone now.

Speaker B:

Out in California, they're gone now. They're gone.

Speaker A:

You go to talk to wholesalers, they're just plain gone.

Speaker B:

I used to pay twelve, fourteen dollars a pound for blackworms. And then it was 16, and then it was 22 and then all of a sudden now a quarter pound of blackworms is like $30. What's up with that? What's?

Speaker C:


Speaker B:


Speaker C:

Go, adam, I was going to tell you your book that I got you tells you how to breed those.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I know. You just got to get some to get started. But I mean, you watch some of these guys, like overseas that are raising all these worms in freaking commoner. I'm not that dedicated guys. I just want somebody to send me some worms I can feed my fish.

Speaker A:

Okay, so let's just do like, I don't know, one last one and we'll wrap up the podcast. Prove me wrong. A hell of boot wants to know, instead of using CO2 injection for your planted tank, just pour some sparkling water in your tank every day. Tell me why it wouldn't work. Instead of giving it, dan says he's got a better method. And this is for you, Jimmy. Oh, wait, there's sound. There's sound. Here we go.

Speaker D:

It's not much.

Speaker A:

So Dan took his Guppy tank, took an airsoft pistol without a BB in it, and then just shot the tip with CO2 canister directly into his tank and said that that is better than sparkling water. This is going to be a great TikTok video that we're going to release.

Speaker D:

That's what we call spot injection.

Speaker B:

And sparkling water ain't cheap either.

Speaker D:

Shitload of likes.

Speaker A:

What the world why in the world wouldn't we put sparkling water into an aquarium? Jimmy, other than burning your fish, I.

Speaker D:

Feel like Adam would be best to adam, come on.

Speaker A:

What you got?

Speaker C:

No, I'm going to let you guys do it.

Speaker A:

No, I have no idea. But this is great. Why wouldn't you put sparkling water into it? Would it burn the fish?

Speaker D:

Because perrier fucking sucks.

Speaker A:

Perrier. Because your fish aren't gay. All right, Adam, I went on one tirade for the day.

Speaker C:

I'm not doing it again.

Speaker A:

No, I'm being real. This is an actual question.

Speaker D:

We fertilize tanks with soy sauce.

Speaker A:

Come on, Adam, you need to help. Dan's not helpful. And Jimmy's just shaking his head. No.

Speaker C:

Not going to I will lose my shit again and I don't need to.

Speaker A:

Well, I guess we don't know. I'm going to put some perrier in a tank and find out. Not with fish, though. Let's start with just plants. See how it goes.

Speaker C:

Don't they aren't sparkling water, just basically carbon dioxide water.

Speaker A:

It's CO2 in water, I think. I don't know how you pressurize it. Is it sparkling water with the soda machine that you buy from Walmart?

Speaker B:

Or can't you just go like sparkling soda stream?

Speaker A:

Soda stream. There you go.

Speaker C:

Yeah, they put CO2 in it.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

You know what they need? They need the plant and then they need to feed it to CO2 sparkling water.

Speaker B:

And then it'll be devil's advocate bioplastic plants.

Speaker A:

I can't think of anything besides burning fish. Yeah, I did check. Soda stream is just CO2 in a can.

Speaker C:

Yeah, there's no reason to.

Speaker A:

All right. Well, Jimmy. You got any last questions for us? Otherwise, I'm going to check live chat and we'll wrap things up.

Speaker B:

Not a whole lot. I want to tell you about my new favorite fish that I got. New favorite, new favorite. I got a new favorite fish. I got a puffer fish the other day, and I don't know if you pronounce it ceylon. C-E-Y-L-O-N. Ceylon. Ceylon. And I tell you what, he has got an attitude. I feed him snails and he comes up, and after three days, he comes up and bangs on the freaking glass and wants to be fed. And so last night, I fed him some shrimp. I couldn't believe how fast he ate shrimp. And I called my supplier, said, what else do you feed these guys? She goes, Anything you want. She goes, throwing feeder, guppies, throwing this, throw clams. So anyway, I kind of want a second one right now. They don't have any. I really like they got such personality. What was interesting is when I threw in a bunch of snails the other day, it was really quiet downstairs in my fish room, other than bubbling and that could hear this crunching noise. And I'm like, I couldn't quite figure it out. And then I look up and he's eating a snail. And I'm about five 6ft away from the tank. No, I put a sign up there for you guys out to put your junk in the tank.

Speaker A:

Don't put your junk in the tank.

Speaker B:

For your safety.

Speaker C:

Hey, Jim.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

You know you just jinxed yourself, right?

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Because he'll be dead tomorrow.

Speaker C:

Yeah, he will be. You said it was your favorite fish, so he'll be dead tomorrow.

Speaker B:

Yeah, that's exactly what's going to happen.

Speaker A:

Well, this wraps up fan questions. Submit more aquarium, guys. Podcast. Bottom of the website, from the discord, Facebook, email. However you want to send it to us, let us know. Join the patreon. Help support the page. Thank you for being a patreon. Most importantly, send us on how you buttload your critters before fitting it to fish. Damn it. What was that?

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

No, literally, don't waste the time injecting your food. Feed whatever you want to feed to the fish, to the praise food, and then throw it in the tank.

Speaker A:

Oh, it's like Magic Adamsbutloading.com to buy the kit till next time. We should sell this.

Speaker C:

I'm not even shitting you $50 apiece. And I guarantee you that there's going to be at least five people that'll buy it.

Speaker A:

Thanks, guys, for listening to the podcast. Please go to your favorite place where podcasts are found, whether it be Spotify, itunes, Stitcher, wherever they can be found, like subscribe. And make sure you get push notifications directly to your phone so you don't miss great content like this. Love your silly stories, robs and his Air. No.

Speaker B:

What you say?

Speaker A:

Nothing. You guys are all too funny and strangely wholesome. Keep it coming.

Speaker B:

What was the other part.

Speaker A:

You missed something. Something? Air pump ass. Thank you, Kaylee. So, Jimmy, when's the last time you've had worms sticking out your ass?

Speaker B:

Worms? Or like a condom hanging out? One time I woke up in the woods and that's another story. Okay, no, that's for another day.

Episode Notes

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