#49 – Conspiracy Theories


3 years ago
Speaker A:

There is a storm approaching. It's time to get scared, people. Right now there's a government conspiracy trying to stop you from getting your shrimp. Supply is limited. Don't let the globalist keep your shrimp away from you. Go to Joe shrimp shack.com. Use promo code Aquarium Guys at checkout for 15% off everything on the website. Don't be a pussy. Go right now and for a limited time, you're going to get yourself a free piece of chilled over with every order. I'm animated my heart's big. I'm a red hot blooded American. Don't be lied to any further by the Blue Ring Society. Don't let the mind control games win. Joe shrimp shack.com. Don't let the globalist win. Welcome to the Aquarium, guys. Podcast with your hosts, Jim colby and Rob dolson. Jimmy, no, you can't get tattooed on the arm. That's just disrespectful. Oh, guys, we're we're live. Welcome to the aquarium, guys. Podcast. This week, we have a special guest of vanilla ice cream in jim's lap.

Speaker B:

I'm having vanilla ice cream from your birthday, right? Because you turned 30 this week.

Speaker A:

Last week.

Speaker B:

And you're old.

Speaker A:

I'm old as shit.

Speaker B:

Yeah. And you took it like a champ.

Speaker A:

I did.

Speaker B:

You only cried half the day like a little girl.

Speaker A:

Well, before we talk about how I cried so hard, I am your host, Rob olsen.

Speaker B:

I'm Jim colby, the smart one.

Speaker C:

And I'm Adam El nashar. Obviously the more intelligent one.

Speaker A:

I was going to go the hot one.

Speaker B:

The hot one.

Speaker A:

Yeah. Because we're not in agreement with the intelligence one.

Speaker D:

I'd be hot, too, if I was under a towel like that.

Speaker A:

Well, no. So back to ice cream and my birthday number one. Rest in peace, wilfred brentley. Right. We're having ice cream in honor of you. I'm diabetes.

Speaker B:

Diabetes. Will Him bremley, who used to be wilfred brentley and used to all the quicker Oak commercials. And we've often made fun of him.

Speaker A:

You know, he was on a lot of shows. I didn't realize.

Speaker B:

Yes, he was in cocoon.

Speaker A:

Yeah. Like, you know, that, like, a good ton of shows.

Speaker B:

Yeah. And I sent that to you and I and and I think that's probably part of the reason you were a little weepy.

Speaker A:

It is. And it's my birthday.

Speaker B:

It was your birthday.

Speaker A:

Right. So on my birthday, let's do a quick audit, right? I got a box of wood from one of our Dare listeners, maverick from the Discord. If you guys have not heard of this thing called Discord, it's where we're doing this podcast live right now. So if you want to come join the debate or go to Aquariumgepodcast.com on the bottom of the website, click the discord. It's a fun chat client. We have people on there 24 hours a day answering your fish questions. And again, we do podcasts about 07:00 P.m. Central on Monday. So come join us. But yeah, I got a box of 40 pieces of six inch chola wood from my birthday. And it had a note in there that I have to share half of it with you, Jimmy, I guess from cholawood, right? But Adam did not get any, so I don't know. Adam was up with that. Adam got dicked.

Speaker C:

I'm used to not getting anything.

Speaker A:

I think he hates adlers. There's a note in there.

Speaker B:

I love that how Adam is up. I'm used to not getting anything. The father of four. All this guy does is do the boinky boinky.

Speaker A:

So back away from the boinky boinky. At my birthday, I got a giant stonefish from you. I did.

Speaker B:

I gave you a nice like a 40 pound cement goldfish, right?

Speaker A:

I got almost a six foot cock in my front yard.

Speaker B:

That's right.

Speaker A:

As in a chicken. A big fan. Don't be gross. Here. And that's not in my front yard. Thanks. My mom.

Speaker B:

And you got a couple of car covers. Two car covers, right.

Speaker A:

I had a bumper sticker replaced in my car called gays Ride in Town. It is. And then I drive a manual and they replaced the stick shift with a giant floppy dildo. So thank you to my friends and family that all hate me equally because.

Speaker B:

Rob's got this little tiny car. What kind of car is it? Little?

Speaker A:

Well, I had a Smart car, but it blew up.

Speaker B:

Blew up, sir.

Speaker A:

Right. So now I have a crappy 1988 Ford festiva because we're making that podcast money.

Speaker B:

It's ugly as hell, I'll tell you that.

Speaker A:

It's sexy. It's a box.

Speaker B:

And then you've got two car covers. Two car covers for that ride of yours.

Speaker A:

Car covers?

Speaker B:

Yeah. You got two car covers. You call them T shirts. I call them car covers. Oh, they're that big.

Speaker A:

Thank you. Because I'm obese.

Speaker D:

The most disappointing thing about not having a Smart car anymore is the fact that you can't go to the go cart track and just drive right onto the track.

Speaker A:

Not kidding.

Speaker B:

You want to run a car walk.

Speaker A:

You could do that. Go on, like the golf cart track. And I just drive it around the golf course. They don't even care.

Speaker B:

City sidewalk.

Speaker C:

Don't they have weight limit for the gokart track?

Speaker A:

Not in my town. Not in my town. Because they never thought they would have to post a weight limit. So we're good to go anyways. Punch you on the throat. I'm going to steal that one from you.

Speaker B:

Hey, you owe me money yourself, Rob.

Speaker A:

This week, for our listeners that have already stopped, if this is your first episode, this is the debauchery you're signing up for. But we topic every podcast. So this week's topic is going to be conspiracy theories because Obama puts chemicals in the water to make the frogs gay. You know what I mean?

Speaker B:

That's true.

Speaker C:

Obama did that.

Speaker A:

I have no idea. That's what Alex Jones told me. And I figured I'd repeat it.

Speaker B:

That's true.

Speaker D:

All I know is that the truth is out there and we're about to get to the bottom of it.

Speaker A:

We're going to get to the truth.

Speaker D:

Qx files music.

Speaker B:

Yes, scrap x File music right there. twilight.

Speaker A:

I actually never watch X Files. I need to do that because this is the song here that sounds pretty, pretty legit. So, again, conspiracy theories. But before we do, we always answer your questions. If you have questions, go to acquire him. Guyspodcast.com, you can text us. Literally, I answer back, like, within minutes. Text us, email us, leave a voicemail that we can play on air because for some reason people are more embarrassed to do that. I don't know why. And if Kyle colby is listening, jim son, will you send that damn message already? So question one, we got through the week og fanboy. We got the Vegan cyclist 420. He was the guy that gave us our first review.

Speaker B:

And we made fun of him and then we met him and he's pretty cool.

Speaker A:

Definitely an og fan. He says, Will you send me pictures of jim's Fish room? Thanks a ton. Like, I don't have one, but I should get it. This is text messages back and forth, guys. Okay. Letting you up to date. He said a video tour would be even better. I'm like you ask for a lot, sir. Jimmy is my hero. It would be better than a tour of the Bat Cave from Bruce Wayne. So then promptly I messaged back, you have a better chance of getting a Bat tour from Bruce Wayne.

Speaker B:

Probably right. I'm pretty secretive.

Speaker A:

He said laugh my ass off. Well, if you walk over to his house soon, tries to take a pick, make sure jim's in it. Thanks a million for his million dollar smile of his. You're fanboys nowadays, I think next are going to ask for you in a thong.

Speaker B:

Well, they're next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to collect all these great fans and we're going to have a boy band and we're going to go on a tour and we're going to do crazy things to hotel rooms.

Speaker A:

All right? Not even lie here. COVID or not, this man is going to go to the monsters of Rock Tour. So if you want to hang out with Jimmy for a week and get shit faced, that's the way to do it. Buy yourself a ticket. He will be there. And he's the guy with his pants off going, whoo. With two fingers in the air. Yeah, right?

Speaker B:

Two middle fingers.

Speaker A:

So, yes, this was my note. This is just one of many things asking for more pics of jimmy's Fish room. I don't know why people have a sudden obsession with this, but you might need to take some pictures.

Speaker B:

All right, I'll take a picture.

Speaker A:

Thank you. Next item up for biz, we have Rex from Australia. Hey, guys. Rex from Australia again. He actually hangs out on the discord that's why he said again, because he he hangs out with us here. Just saying you should do wondering why Adam isn't in the actual show. intros. Love the show. I messaged him back that Jim and I paid for it, started our own stream, and Adam has been a welcome guest and now subjugate a co host on every episode he deems to want to come to. So we've offered him for $1.5 million to buy his third of the podcast, and he's still getting us to change for it. But until then, Adam is always going to be welcome as the cliff.

Speaker B:

I think the whole story goes back that you sucked me into doing this podcast.

Speaker A:

I did.

Speaker B:

I did not want to do it. I didn't know what a podcast was.

Speaker A:

I did.

Speaker B:

And I didn't want to be famous like I am now. And Adam didn't join us to what, the third episode?

Speaker A:

Fourth, I think.

Speaker B:

Fourth episode four. Was it the fourth one?

Speaker A:

Adam fourth.

Speaker B:

And what happened is Rob's and I went down to Minneapolis, and Adam and I have been buddies for years. And so there's the first chance that Rob got to meet Adam. And let's just put it this way, rob's fell in love with his big brown eyes.

Speaker A:

I did. It was beautiful. I mean, it took him down a peg when he gave me those feeder guppies, but they're adlers.

Speaker C:

I paid you an endlers. That's worth 1.5 million right there. How much have you made off of them, Rob?

Speaker B:

$1 million.

Speaker A:

Well, so Adam gets the best. He doesn't have to host and do the work, but he gets to show up and say, smart astermarks. So, I mean, it is what it is. But we appreciate Adam nonetheless. And Adam, I think, as much as Jimmy has a fan base, you have by far the biggest, because this is not the first time it's a chick stick. Adam it's not been the first time this has been brought up is that don't get rid of Adam has been repeated over and over again. So, Adam, like it or not, you're stuck here. So next is okay, so Adam is for a free ride. lol. I've also had terrible luck with plato in the last two years from an unknown cause. They get stuck to my filter intake, have plenty of algae growth, and also feed on wafers and veggies, but no other fish have died. I have lion head cichlids, a Jack dempsey, blue cars, and a few forest jewels that I got after my plato died. Any advice to keep my Platos alive?

Speaker B:

Put him in a shark cage. Put the damn pleco in a shark cage, because that's what he's swimming with.

Speaker A:

Right? So we got some pictures. I asked him for more information because that wasn't quite enough, even though that's some really abusive cigarettes he's got there. Dead plecos of his information, of his tank issues he's having. So he says the pictures of the jack of the A card to show the full algae growth of two weeks in the tank with 30% water changes two times a week. So that's pretty decent. Got a canister filter recommended for 300 gallons per hour, so the canister filter seems to suffice. He feeds Black worms and her cari gold pellets to the other fish. So what I'm going to do is, if you guys can see that Jimmy.

Speaker B:

Right there looks like a Shark week.

Speaker C:

Where is that?

Speaker A:

I'm going to get it sent to you soon here, Adam, but I can't post it right at the moment. So what we're seeing here is a bunch of really big cichlids and almost no cover at all for the placos. It has like a stone what would you call that? Like house of cards. And then there's no cover whatsoever in the tanks.

Speaker B:

It kind of looks like the house on the flintstones, right?

Speaker A:

So he zooms out. It looks like there's one piece of pvc, but otherwise there's really no covering in the tank. So my best guess is that your platos are getting harassed at night. They won't necessarily get harassed during the day. Sharks and cyclists, if they're territorial, especially at night. You shot the light, you won't see anything. You turn the light back on, everything looks fine. You might not see the bites because placoes are armored, but the enough harassment and abuse and placos will crap out everything else seems decent in your tank without doing, like, water tests and whatnot. What do you think, Jimmy?

Speaker B:

I think that he needs a pleco cave, someplace this placo can hunker down in when the picking starts, because I really believe the stickers are probably picking on him. And the thing is, I'm looking. He's got a large piece of pvc in there, which is a great place for them to hide.

Speaker A:

But it's not that it's necessarily he doesn't have things. He just doesn't have enough.

Speaker B:

Well, and the thing is, that piece of pvc is big enough where I think the cichlids can go in and probably still harass him.

Speaker A:

There you go.

Speaker B:

So I would just put in something a lot smaller and maybe some weeds, some plastic plants or something in front of them so he can kind of hide. And once he's out of sight, they'll probably leave him alone.

Speaker A:

Otherwise, you can also just get endlers instead of those giant angry cichlids. Right, Adam?

Speaker C:

That's what I would do.

Speaker B:

See, right in the tank.

Speaker A:

Verified right there, gentlemen. Verified. All right. So, Jimmy, did you have any other news this week? I forgot to ask before we go through more questions.

Speaker B:

Did I have any news?

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Not really. It's been a crazy, crazy week with this whole COVID thing, and I think we're going to get shut down here shortly. Again, the way it looks and stuff. And I think it's just a great time for people to go back to their aquariums and set up another one or two. We're going to go in the fall here very shortly, and some of the best fish will be coming in of the year from Florida come August, September, and October. Those are usually the best three months. These fish have all been out in ponds. They've all had a long time out there to to feed and to grow. So now it's just the time to get ready for your for your new tank that you're going to put up for this fall. How about that?

Speaker A:

Man, I feel like every time I talk to you, we should set up a new tank.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I got plants in my pond finally winning. And so patio pond. My patio pond. My 300 gallon patio pond. So, yeah, it seems to be doing pretty well now.

Speaker A:


Speaker D:

Got an update for the patio pond I put in from my mom. It looks beautiful. And as soon as we had the first rain guppies, drop fry, all the plants are growing like crazy in it.

Speaker A:


Speaker D:

It's awesome.

Speaker A:

Boom. It's working out. All right, so the last two bits of information that I have is we got a response back. Remember the gentleman that asked about the banded sunfish? I believe he was in Europe. Yeah.

Speaker B:

And he was going to check out his local laws and things, right.

Speaker A:

So he said that thank you for answering my question. Explains why I've lost so many banded sunfish. I was told to keep them at 25 to 28 degrees. Now, it took me a minute, right? So it took me a minute to figure out what he was talking about. Like, that seems abnormally cold. No one told me what is the.

Speaker B:

Temperature where's our Canadian friends right now that we need?

Speaker A:

Well, 28 degrees, right? fahrenheit. I was like, no, no, that's that's not right. So celsius, I'm just pulling up the calculator here. That's about 82 and a half.

Speaker B:

Oh, too hot.

Speaker A:

That's super hot. You want them, like, cold. If you can keep them like, 65 to 75, even just like 70 flat or 60, I mean, they're a cold water fish. There's no reason to keep that type of heat on them. You'll have a hell of a time with that amount of heat in the tank. So glad you figured it out. And the other news is we have a few different sponsor opportunities having the podcast, but one of them that we're trying out pornhub. pornhub.com? No, I was kidding. Reef flowers.

Speaker B:

Actually, let's talk about that for a minute, right?

Speaker A:

They reached out to us, and I'm trying out their product. They sent the product. They have different plant fertilizer solutions. They're a company that does the chemical mixture for salt water. They have fertilizers for plants. goodies. So I'm giving that a try. And so far, I've had some good results. I've done it for about a week, and normally you don't see much in that amount of time, but I'm already seeing, like I have a bunch of crypts in a tank. The blackness on the crypts are so common. Went away. I have anubis and that flowered with seven buds in the week. Never had that before. I had, like, one or two flowers. Every blue moon now just like that, blooming away. So pretty good stuff. But we're going to continue trying it. Maybe we'll have a sponsor here soon.

Speaker B:

That'd be good.

Speaker C:

What about Joe?

Speaker A:

Joe? joe's still there no reason to get rid of Joe. I mean, we got to have cholo wood in this podcast. Otherwise we're empty people.

Speaker B:

Empty people.

Speaker C:

Well, Rob, you are far from an empty person.

Speaker A:

Thank you.

Speaker B:

Yeah, he's full poop.

Speaker A:

I love you guys as much as I love my giant chicken in my front yard. All right, thanks for the updates, everyone. Please considering them in. And let's start doing our normal podcast here. shelley.

Speaker B:

Sounds good.

Speaker A:

So to start off right, we got to talk about conspiracy theories. Now, it's not just like conspiracy theories of, you know, Area 51. We're talking about aquarium and fish related conspiracy theories, gentlemen.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Right. We have done bigfoot plenty of research, and let me tell you that you're going to hear some stuff that's really going to make you question the way you live in this world. So starting off with this fun thing, right? We're going to post it. It is. We're going to post it on the discord. You can come see the pictures. There is a new unidentified creature living near California, discovered near California, and his name is Blopus purpleis. Right.

Speaker B:

If you see the picture there, it's pretty. What is it?

Speaker A:

Well, that right there, sir, is you're missing Benoball. Jimmy, what did you do?

Speaker B:

I don't get it. What is it?

Speaker A:

We have no idea.

Speaker B:

It looks like an alien just discovered.

Speaker A:

You tell me, Jimmy.

Speaker B:

I think it's a purple iris stuck on the end of a crab leg. A crab leg at Red lobster.

Speaker A:

I got to make sure that I get to this to Adam so we get his his viewpoint. Yeah.

Speaker B:

Adam'S in the dark because he's under a blanket there.

Speaker A:

What do you think that is, Adam?

Speaker C:

Looks like eggs.

Speaker A:

Could be. Well, regardless, that was a bad kick off. But Jimmy, what do you got?

Speaker B:

I got ice cream. It's delicious.

Speaker A:

You got ice cream and it's delicious. Fine. Adam gets to go first, then.

Speaker B:

Go first. Adam. Got it.

Speaker A:

So when we started this, you had this hard one about some particular favorite creature of yours and how it eats things. Yeah.

Speaker C:

So this is a common pet store one, and I don't know where it came from or why people think this, but the one that is the most common is corridoris. Eat poop. corridoris and placostomas eat fish waste. They don't eat food. All they do is they eat waste in the tank. They clean up after your fish is crap. They don't do it. I get that, like, at least three times a week. Oh, I want some of them. They eat the fish poop. No, they eat fish food.

Speaker A:

Well, come on. Now, that's a misinterpretation. See, I believe, right, that they do only because they're little freaks in the aquarium and they like to taste the poop. Kind of like Jimmy and tequila.

Speaker B:

It happens.

Speaker C:

Regular food.

Speaker B:

I've done some crazy stuff on tequila, which we can't get into right now, but if you want to join the tequila virus yeah, I had the tequila virus a while back, but I'm better now.

Speaker A:

You had the self quarantine on your couch?

Speaker B:

I did. For a whole day and a half.

Speaker D:

Bartender had the best night ever.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I know. I want to blame Scrap on that one. Thanks, Scrap. My ears are ringing, too. I don't know what that was from, from the tequila virus or from the music. It's all scrap.

Speaker A:

But no, this has been a big thing for a while, that people really believe that corridors eat crap. Now, here's the thing, right? I set up a tank a while ago because I first heard this as well. Didn't believe it. And I don't know if I starved them, but I'm pretty darn sure I watched corridors eat crap. They didn't spit it out like a goldfish, either. There was not a whole lot left, and all that was a sponge filter. So explain that now.

Speaker C:

You're just enabling it.

Speaker A:

You're enabling not to eat it. I'm just saying it's possible. Don't treat your corridors like they eat crap, all right? This is not what I'm telling you. Corridors eat food, right? Do not substitute anything for water changes or them being a cleaning fish. The best that they'll do is eat scraps of food at the bottom. But are they capable of eating poop in a pinch or when they want to impress their friends?

Speaker B:

We all are.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

I'll do it.

Speaker A:

Have you not heard of a Cleveland? I mean, never ever mind. You are left to Google for people.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Don't eat poop. People don't eat poop.

Speaker C:

Yeah, it's bad for you.

Speaker B:

I mean, I know there's times when you go, oh, corn.

Speaker A:

No, don't eat it. All right, Jimmy.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:


Speaker B:

What do I got?

Speaker A:

You found this cool subject about a casino. Tell us more.

Speaker B:

I tell you what. I got to pull this up on my zippy doda machine here.

Speaker A:

We have to go the light ones, like the new species that discovers it looks like a chew toy. And the corridor is he crap. Now we're going to get into weird stuff, ladies and gentlemen. All right. Yeah.

Speaker B:

This is something that I ran across, and I thought it was very interesting, and I told Rob about it, and he just got all excited. I'm just going to read this here real quick for you. It's an aquarium Internet connection that exposed a casino in North America. So in the Us. So in rather unusual hacking operation, hackers acquired data from a North American casino by hacking an Internet connected fish tank. According to the report in Washington Post, the fish tank had Internet connected smart sensors that regulated the cleanliness, the food, and the temperature of the tank. The Washington Post quoted, somebody got into the fish tank and used it to move around into other areas of the network and send out data. Even though the report does not provide the name of the casino, it indicated that ten gigs of data were moved to a device located in finland. They provided no explanation for the type of data stolen. So here's somebody that got in through the back door of a casino and probably stole some really good information.

Speaker A:

So I can speak to this quite heavily. Did you do this? I did not do this, but I definitely get it. I've done stuff like this for penetration testing for companies.

Speaker B:

Say that again.

Speaker A:

I worked for an Internet service provider for six years as research and development. Right. So I got to go to security conferences, see, a lot of the new stuff coming out, and the wave of what we call Internet of Things devices spun up that they were trying to make everything Internet connected because it's the new craze, right. That's what the kids want for Christmas. So they came up with everything. The alexa devices started, and they had lights, smart bulbs, smart plugs. They even had smart toilets. Right.

Speaker B:

And the early they had a smart toilet.

Speaker A:

Smart toilet told you how many flushes you consumed. It allowed you to do tank changes. If it wasn't being utilized like craziness, you can control the temperature of the toilet bowl water.

Speaker B:

That would be nice for your bedtime.

Speaker A:

Exactly. So in this whole IoT world, none of this was looked at as, hey, it should be secure. So if you're trying to get information, all you got to do is get into the network. And that was their easy way. So you could have a computer, right, that was super secure. You could have a firewall, the whole thing. But if you had listed an Internet connected light bulb, there's no security on that. So they use that to get in. So having this gives them full access, and they haven't really changed it a whole lot. They've done better things for security. But if you have yourself a business that has customers data, don't have smart bulbs, don't have smart excess, just have your business computer your other products. Keep the excess things away from your business for real.

Speaker B:

So are you saying things like that I have in my home right now, such as my Internet connected thermostat right. That you could go probably through the back door of that.

Speaker A:

See, something like a nest is pretty secure, but something like yours, where it's like a honey. honeywell. They didn't care about it.

Speaker B:

Honeywell doesn't care? No, because I've got one of those. I've got smart plugs. I've got all kinds of different things.

Speaker A:

Now. honeywell has done different things, and honeywell is going to come back and say, I did slander that is an example of an old thermostat he has. Don't sue me.

Speaker B:


Speaker D:

That's one of the big issues with a lot of Internet connected devices. Like you're saying, if it's an older one, just like your routers and things for your general network purposes, a lot of those vendors and those companies don't put out firmware updates on the regular for some of that. They just put it in a box and ship it, and they're getting better about it. A lot of the newer companies are, like you said, Nest, and I know Google and Amazon are all about updating their stuff and everything. But then again, those companies are all about having all the data. They're very invested in having that thing in your home and working now.

Speaker A:

So the difference between Jimmy and a casino is the casino's data is worth money. Jimmy and his habits of, you know, browsing the Internet for various reasons at 09:00 p.m. At night, definitely not something that people make money off of. So no worries if you're just a consumer, but if you have a business, there's no reason to put it and put yourself at risk. snowden I mean, he taught us everything. snowden the conspiracy is that all these devices were just a way for the Internet CIA people, the nsa, to monitor you more.

Speaker B:

Jimmy here's another conspiracy. I think that my local Internet provider has a way to get into my back door, because if I don't pay the bill, they turn me off. bastard.

Speaker A:

Yeah. Conspiracy 101, ladies and gentlemen. Conspiracy 101. So that was happening when we have a lot of these IoT fish tank devices. Now we have new things such as a felix that seems to have more security. Hopefully we can actually get him on the podcast. Actually, that'd be pretty sweet. I've been talking to Tom Lamb. If you guys haven't checked it out, it's I think it's felix.

Speaker B:

Io question mark.

Speaker A:

I'm checking it. No, Felixmark.com. So hopefully we'll have him to talk about new aquarium controllers. But if you got old ones, don't put it in your business or casino.

Speaker B:

Maybe if we talk about them, he'll send us some free ones. I doubt it.

Speaker A:

Cross your fingers. Jimmy yeah, cross your fingers.

Speaker B:

I'm just glad my Internet is back up and running.

Speaker D:

They'd be neat to get him to talk about that casino thing. Maybe he knows more about the details on it and what they were using, too.

Speaker A:

You never know. He might know quite a bit about the fish tank. IoT but regardless, next thing on our list is the cia's robotic animal agent. They had Charlie the Spyfish and some sort of robo dragonfly. So apparently the CIA created accounts on YouTube, and it's been uploaded of weirdly. Mundane robotic fish.

Speaker B:

What do you do with a robotic fish?

Speaker A:

Yeah, it shows here. I don't know how to try to describe this for everybody. I can put this in the Chat so people can see it live with us. It's a lot to take in. It literally looks like a rubber catfish. I don't know what they're trying to.

Speaker B:

Look like a fishing river to go there.

Speaker A:

But again, CIA claims it was never used in the field as a means of video surveillance of some sort. But I think the creepiest one is the dragonfly by far.

Speaker B:

I think they used that dragonfly in Men in Black, if I remember right. It was some sort of bug that had video equipment on his head.

Speaker D:

That was a fly in the Fifth Element.

Speaker B:

See, I was close. Not even a little bit.

Speaker A:

Got you. What they didn't put here is what it was going to be used for. I mean, this is the CIA, Robbie.

Speaker B:

They're not going to tell you we're using this to check out stuff.

Speaker A:

Why would you have a rubber cat?

Speaker D:

Plausible that an American channel cat would definitely be swimming around in the bay of a Russian submarine hub or something. I think that would pass with a.

Speaker B:

Small nuclear charge in a spelling.

Speaker A:

So here's my theory, right?

Speaker B:

Could you imagine if one of these things had a small nuclear charge and it swam up into a dam area, into an area that's dammed, and it blows up, and the dam would explode and then drown a town.

Speaker A:

I mean, that's the obvious. Damn. You got to pick on the in obvious, right? The in obvious is that they're making a rubber catfish so that they can have a new wave of these fish on the wall that sing at you despite anymore.

Speaker B:

Oh, you mean like that damn thing.

Speaker A:

That I don't even remember what they call them.

Speaker B:

Billy Bass.

Speaker A:

Billy Bass.

Speaker B:

God, that's the best stuff ever.

Speaker D:

You could use it to spy on those damn kids that are always skinny dipping in the waters where they should be.

Speaker B:

Or they could videotape it and send it to Port hub.

Speaker D:

And I also stand corrected. The pagan swordsman in the Chat says it was a cockroach in the Fifth Element. My bad.

Speaker B:

So what was it? Men in black. There was there that was when the.

Speaker C:

Dragonfly was just flying around in the opening credits.

Speaker B:

Oh, yeah, but they had a camera windshield. Yeah, they had a camera on his head. It counts. Where did that come from?

Speaker A:

Most of these I have to give credit where credit is, too. A lot of these, because I did some homework and the community did way more homework than I did. I started diving into it and the community just came together, gave us conspiracy theories, especially from this community called tct or the community Tank. They had a lot of great ones to credit out to them. If you haven't heard them. They have an excellent podcast that they're starting. It's not necessarily like a standard form. It's basically a bunch of old tiny fish dudes.

Speaker B:

What's wrong with that?

Speaker A:

Fucker complaining that they don't like koi, but it's really funny. Go check them out. I actually guessed over there. So check them out.

Speaker B:

They complain about coy.

Speaker A:

Of course. They hate coy.

Speaker B:

So they copied us complaining about ENDLER guppies.

Speaker A:

No, they thought that was beautiful. That's why we should copyright them. That's why we're friends.

Speaker B:

All right.

Speaker A:

So, Adam, I heard some weird noises over there.

Speaker B:

He's starting and giggling.

Speaker A:

Yeah, tell us more about these weird noises.

Speaker C:

I actually have another one of animals that the CIA supposedly made. Have you guys ever heard of the birds are fake?

Speaker A:

One what?

Speaker C:

There's an entire group. It's got like at least half a million people in it that believe that all birds were killed in 1962. And that's the whole reason that jfk was killed, because he got upset at the CIA for killing all the birds and that they were replaced by robots and that they land on power lines. And that's how they recharge.

Speaker B:

That's how they recharge on the power lines.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

They recharge on power lines.

Speaker C:

It is the most amazing thing I've ever heard in my life. It's like right up there with flat earthers.

Speaker A:

Like flat earthers.

Speaker C:

Just want to argue with you. But these guys literally believe that birds are not real. And they have a Facebook group. You can buy merchandise and everything.

Speaker A:

It's not even a Facebook group. You can go right there to try to feature their activism. What they call activism on birds aren't real. They sell T shirts and shit. But yeah, it's been how come we.

Speaker B:

Haven'T had these guys on the podcast?

Speaker A:

I'm just saying, because it's a birds we're podcast.

Speaker C:

We should have mine because they'd be entertaining as hell.

Speaker B:

Oh, yeah.

Speaker A:

There's an Instagram account, I think that someone has. Birds aren't real for Instagram. It's pretty wacky.

Speaker B:

I think we should just have a full podcast called yes or bs.

Speaker A:

Yes or bs.

Speaker B:

Yeah, we'll just tell stories and then is it true? Is it something you find on the internet? Because everything on the Internet is true. We know that.

Speaker A:

Come on.

Speaker D:

That'D be a great segment. We could just have that as a segment on the regular.

Speaker B:

I'm still going to get paid for that.

Speaker A:

You have people like your mom's house if you're going to listen to it. Tom segura does this podcast and he does a whole network of podcasts. We just need to start a new podcast called what was it?

Speaker B:

Yes or bs.

Speaker A:

Yes or bs. That's what we're going to do.

Speaker B:

I don't have time.

Speaker A:

You don't?

Speaker B:

I'm busy.

Speaker A:

Tuesdays are blocked up.

Speaker C:

We're doing a podcast every day now, right?

Speaker B:

Because of all the money. Rolling in.

Speaker A:

Yeah, just rolling in, man. Just rolling.

Speaker B:

Hey, I saw some one time since.

Speaker A:

We'Re out of order. We have like, a little order list that we put here.

Speaker B:

What else you got?

Speaker A:

I'm going to go next for sharks. Finally now have freaking laser beams. Yes. I figured you'd be pretty happy about that.

Speaker B:

Frickin laser beams.

Speaker A:

This happened a while ago, but I did not know this. Right. For the bounds that they have Shark Week every year on the Discovery Channel, they always have to, like, up the ante each year on this. And they decided to take some lemon sharks, it looks like. Yeah, lemon sharks. And put temporary clips on their fins with laser beams. It was a 150 milliwatt green laser beam to the dorsal fin of a shark. And then, of course, they followed it around and whatnot now they actively got harassed saying how it was a retarded frivolous stunt and putting laser I just did it's. Our podcast. That's why we're not on YouTube. That's why we're not on YouTube. But, I mean, they had no point. It was just because of the Doctor Evil movie. Now, this isn't true. We all know that this is just a way to circumvent and let people know that they're going to be attaching more things to sharks, and they're going to begin to put trackers on these sharks. Not to track the sharks, but instead to track ocean activity silently through sharks and harnesses. Right.

Speaker B:

So you can go parasailing behind them. Just saying.

Speaker A:

I want to know your bucket list. I feel like that's on it.

Speaker B:

Things I want to do. I've always wanted to go parasiling behind a great white. I've always wanted to ride a whale, and that's about it.

Speaker C:

There was a lady in Australia who was killed by two humpback whales. She was crushed. She swam in between him, and then he just went and smushed her like a fly. Like a fly.

Speaker B:

How great is that?

Speaker A:

I think the party was here at him, and now it's down here.

Speaker B:

Yeah, thanks for bringing us down. She was a grandmother, too.

Speaker A:

You shat on the pacing of this horrible roller coaster.

Speaker B:

Fluke you.

Speaker A:

Fluke you. But anyways, Shark Week claims that the shark was not harmed in any way. They did not tamper with the fins. Normally, like, they put tracking tags. They actually pierced the fin. This was just like a stick on clip thing that didn't harm the shark at all. So it was pretty well harmless. But they even said, like, how could you do this if a shark is trying to chase a fish or something? I was going to have a laser beam deterring the fish from being normal prey. I don't know. I feel like they're all weak stunts. So don't put sharks and laser beams on sharks. And this was just to expect more of them?

Speaker B:

Was this just to try to bring more attention to Shark Week?

Speaker A:

This is this was like a stunt for Shark Week. Shark Week.

Speaker B:

I got something better. Do you human sacrifice.

Speaker A:

People would tune in.

Speaker B:

They would. They'd go, today we're going to feed the sharks a bunch of people who can't swim.

Speaker A:

We already have human sacrifice on television. It's called American football.

Speaker B:

American football?

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

How about American idol?

Speaker A:

They get paid. Well, wouldn't they get paid for whatever they're doing on Shark Channel? Shark Week?

Speaker C:

No, the sharks are eating them, so therefore they wouldn't be paid.

Speaker A:

You know what?

Speaker C:

I already know how we get the people that go in with the sharks. Answer the suicide hotline.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

No. Bring your friends.

Speaker D:

We're chum in the water.

Speaker B:

You guys are so weird.

Speaker A:

You guys are the worst conspiracy theories people of all time.

Speaker B:

Yeah, you are terrible. But Rob, you're kind of like, yogurt, Rob, you know that?

Speaker A:

I am.

Speaker B:

You're kind of the more cultured part of the pudding that's you I thank you.

Speaker A:

I do. Try.

Speaker D:

Here's the thing that Israel that people do conspire to do when it comes to the great open waters, and it has cruise ships. When people go out on cruise ships and they want to kill their significant other, and they just go, oops. And they fall over the deck, it's higher to do it. Sometimes a lot of people should turn up missing on cruise liners.

Speaker B:

It's always amazing how they fall off the ship right where there's no camera. You ever noticed that?

Speaker C:

Wait, is there a lot of cameras on the ship?

Speaker B:

There is a lot of cameras on a cruise ship. There's also a doctor's office on a cruise ship. And there's also I know this for a fact a little jail on the cruise ship.

Speaker A:

How was the jail, Jimmy?

Speaker B:

I didn't have to go, but I did help somebody get out of the jail.

Speaker A:

Oh, my God.

Speaker B:

That's another story. But yeah, there's just a little tiny jail there, not very big.

Speaker D:

Did they catch the tequila virus?

Speaker A:

Is that what it was?

Speaker B:

They had the tequila virus and there was some nakedness going on, was there? Yeah, it wasn't me, but it was somebody in our group.

Speaker A:

Well, that's a lie. I saw pictures on your computer.

Speaker B:

Yeah, you did?

Speaker A:

Yeah, I did. By the way, do you work out? That was pretty great.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I don't work out.

Speaker A:

And you should get that mole checked out on your left cheek. It's moving on. So if we look down in the live podcast chat, we'll see some responses. And the number one thing I said is that we lost a few members from the Flat Earth Society. No, for those that are part of the Flat Earth Society number one, we're here for you. All right, I have this next conspiracy theory locked down, so for those of you that don't believe the Flat earthers all right, let me bring you to my world.

Speaker B:

Your world is dark and scary.

Speaker A:

My world is dark. Not saying I'm a flat earther, but if you look at the weird evidence that they have to deal with, because most of these people have never been to the moon. Most of them haven't gone on a cruise ship around the world, so they have to look at their everyday things. And aquariums, bar none, help convince people that flat Earth is real. So if the world was curved, would your surface of your aquarium not be cured with it? It's flat, bro. The surface on the tank water is flat.

Speaker B:

That is deep, flat earth. That's good.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

I believe you.

Speaker A:

There we go, chat. And now we got the flat earthers back in.

Speaker B:

Plus, I'm from North Dakota, 100% in his flight.

Speaker A:

It's a flat earth.

Speaker B:

Flat Earth. They have four rocks, two trees, and they all share them.

Speaker A:

I heard a cousin of yours got drunk and just walked off the edge of North Dakota.

Speaker B:

Took him four days, but yeah, he got there. He got there, fell into montana.

Speaker A:

All right, Adam.

Speaker C:

And this is actually one of my favorite ones. There is a whale that has 52 hz song.

Speaker A:

They think it's a whale. They don't know what.

Speaker C:

This monster, but it sings like a whale. Have they spotted it on sonar or anything?

Speaker A:

They have not. So the article that we're going off of is the 52 hz controversy, right? They've heard and caught noises coming from the deep ocean of this 52 hz sound, which they have never recorded 52 hz from any known whale species.

Speaker B:

Maybe it's the dolphin farting.

Speaker A:

Or Jimmy farted. Regardless, this 52 hz frequency is not heard. Like, for instance, the blue whale is ten to 39 hz, right? That's a real big range for a whale. So getting all the way to 52, that's what we call a freddie Mercury whale. Right? He has an entirely different range.

Speaker B:

And bigger teeth, clearly the way bigger teeth.

Speaker A:

So by adam's request, we have a recording of it here for you guys to hear. So, warning, if you're listening to your car, grab that knob, because this might sound screechy. So if that wasn't a whale, what on earth could it be?

Speaker B:

That was a German U two submarine from World War II, just still sitting.

Speaker A:

Down there after all these years. fart not a slow hole.

Speaker B:

Yeah, that's exactly what that was screaming for.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

How about you, Adam? What was it?

Speaker C:

I don't know. It sounded weird, though. It almost sounded like a submarine. But I thought it could be a whale, too. I was excited that there could be a new whale species.

Speaker B:

Well, just recently, too, weren't they getting all kinds of clicks and bangs out of outer space that keeps coming and playing in a rotation? The same thing. And then it plays over and over again, coming from outer space.

Speaker A:

I thought that was just the mtv airwaves bouncing back off of Mars, coming finally back. But I don't know.

Speaker C:

I'm just wondering.

Speaker B:

The oceans are so huge, there's so many places, so many species we've never discovered. It could easily be a sea turtle with a tight girdle. A sea turtle with a tight girdle. What it could.

Speaker A:

So a little more information of this. It's only been recorded, and again, it's been appearing on the regular in many locations since the 1980s. But it has a frequency and rate that only one whale could do. It's not like multiple whales are doing this at the same time. So it's described as the world's loneliest whale. If it is a whale.

Speaker C:

That'S kind of like that the world's loneliest frog, that they only had one, a male of, and then they found a female.

Speaker B:

For it, and is he still lonely?

Speaker A:

I want to hear this story.

Speaker C:

They're trying to figure out how to breed him.

Speaker B:

I would put them together first.

Speaker C:

They're the scrotum frog.

Speaker A:

The scrotum frog.

Speaker C:

Now you're just coming from Lake TV caka.

Speaker A:

All right.

Speaker B:

Keep me from my bunghole.

Speaker A:

If you guys are joining this podcast looking for actual information, this episode, go to the other ones. They're the ones without the bullshit.

Speaker B:

You were such a bomb at worm.

Speaker A:

All right, let's see what's next on the list. Okay, Jimmy, you had something about spies.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:


Speaker B:


Speaker A:

From Russia? Maybe.

Speaker B:

They were from Russia. Just recently, in the last year or so, I don't know if anybody saw it made national news. There was a Beluga whale that approached a Us. Military ship, and the darn whale had a harness on it. It was a Beluga whale. Beautiful. bouga whales had a big harness on them. And they think it was from Russia because it said Property of St. petersburg. And anyway, that's confirmation. It came up close enough where they actually fed it and petted it, and they were not quite sure what they were training this whale to do, but it came over looking for attention. And if you go on the Internet, you can find it. Beautiful blue go whale. Very beautiful. But it's got a leather harness on. So either the russians have got a blogger whale that's a spy, or the Beluga whale got lost on its way to an snm festival.

Speaker A:

I was going to say snm.

Speaker B:

Snm all day.

Speaker A:

Like 50 Shades of White is the Beluga Whale parody. It could be.

Speaker B:

I think you should find a picture of that and put it up on the Internet so people can see it.

Speaker A:

Absolutely. If not, just google it. Your own risk, not 50 Shades of White. Don't google it.

Speaker B:

Don't google that.

Speaker A:


Speaker D:

One of the other thoughts about that Beluga whale was that there are black market trades or aquarium animals, like the big aquariums, like your Sea World and places like that, or amusement parks. And one of the theories is that maybe that animal had been a part of some of that and had gotten out of wherever they keep them. And there's been a lot of controversy in that. I had heard a podcast, like a year ago. There's a place in Canada that had a lot of problems because they were purchasing animals on this black market trade from China and Russia. And one of the people there that had kind of blew the whistle on them had come to the States and was keeping them in such a such a tie up with legal fees and everything actually got them physically shut down. And so I don't know exactly what place that is, but there's a lot of weird stuff with that kind of thing. I don't know what they were using the harness for. If it was just a marker, just saying, hey, this is ours or whatnot? But it's either that or it was something else. Like you were saying maybe.

Speaker A:

All right, so secret spy beluga whale, right? It could be an abandoned black market whale that had a vest on it. It could be an snm whale that wanted to spank you.

Speaker B:

A seeing eye whale.

Speaker A:

It could be eye whale.

Speaker B:

That's better than eye whale. That's a big orca out there to camp. See.

Speaker A:

Or it could have been a political stunt to try to mask the Jeffrey epstein controversies.

Speaker C:

Are we going down here?

Speaker A:

All right, we can't go without controversy episode.

Speaker B:

We're talking about Jeffrey epstein while he shot jfk.

Speaker A:

You know that he's also responsible for killing all the birds. All the birds. All the birds.

Speaker B:

I was surprised when Adam said that the President Kennedy was so upset about the birds being killed. You think he'd be more upset about Maryland Roll being killed, but there you go.

Speaker A:

Oh, no, this is from a fan that just messages.

Speaker B:

This in the scrotum frog.

Speaker A:

Here we go. I'm going to pull this article. It's too good not to miss. So apparently Lake titty kaka's endangered scrotum frog could be on its last. You weren't kidding. Adam didn't pull us out of his you weren't kidding. No. Oh, my God. Lake Frog on titty. I mean, that was, I thought, completely a set up for us when I lived in peru.

Speaker C:

Peru is on Lake titikaka.

Speaker A:

And it's.

Speaker C:

Titty pot for peru and caca for Chile or Argentina or wherever the hell I forgot where it is now. But no, this is all real.

Speaker A:

I feel like someone just faked a website right now to make it all real. It's literally this article here is from the 28 July. It's decently recent. Wow. All right, Robbie. One point. Adam.

Speaker B:

Here's my theory. Adam is a secret spy from peru. Seriously? Think about it.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

And he's infiltrating our special knowledge of the aquarium trade and his wife market.

Speaker C:

No, I'm not a secret agent.

Speaker B:

That's the first thing the secret agent spy school teaches you to say.

Speaker A:

I'm just saying. Check one for Jimmy, check zero for Adam.

Speaker B:

That's right.

Speaker C:

Wait, I had one, though.

Speaker A:

That's a different scale, my brother.

Speaker B:

Yeah, you're much positive.

Speaker C:

And there was also another fish that I was friends with this guy in madagascar, and I was going to talk to Jim cummings about it, but there was a fish that they only had like, four males. They couldn't find any. And literally everybody messaged olaf prank, and we're trying to get a hold of him because we were all friends with him because he lived in madagascar. And then we found out that he died of the bubonic plague when he was down there.

Speaker A:

Oh, snap.

Speaker C:


Speaker D:

Holy crap.

Speaker A:

So he did.

Speaker C:

We were all bummed.

Speaker B:

That's terrible.

Speaker A:

He was an awesome guy.

Speaker B:

Oh, yes, he was. But thanks for bringing us down a notch. jeepers, we were just getting up there.

Speaker A:

All right.

Speaker C:

By technique.

Speaker A:

All right, next on the list. Right, I'm going to bring the party down a notch. So we have three more topics, I'm thinking. I don't know. All right, give or take. So let's take on the, how do we say octopus in the room. We have a few octopus stories. So this is going to be our culmination. Here we have number one, paul the Octopus. I don't know if those are familiar. In the 2010 World Cup predictions, it had the worldwide attention of Paul the Octopus. keepers at Sea Life Center in Germany were tasked with keeping him and apparently he had a role in predicting the World Cup matches.

Speaker B:

And he was dead on.

Speaker A:

He was pretty dead on. And he did other matches, and I think his overall success rate was twelve out of 14 as they kept going. So dead on as far as what they're trying to predict. So we have a prophecy specimen of Paul the Octopus. Every bit. You can look it up. He was in the public aquarium. It was a big thing.

Speaker B:

I think what they did is they didn't they put like the two teams in a jar or whatever and he would pick one or something.

Speaker A:

The food was in it and he had to get picked. The one that was supposed to win.

Speaker B:

We'Ll still win, right?

Speaker A:

So he's the psychic predicting octopus. Now, this is not a normal occurrence. We see time after time of instances of octopus really going above and beyond. So, Jimmy, you have was it Inky the octopus?

Speaker B:

I had Inky the octopus, yeah.

Speaker A:

Please tell us more.

Speaker B:

Oh, let me find it here. I got to pull up on my machine here. Inky is a famous octopus that lived in the National Aquarium in New Zealand before he escaped back into the sea. There's no one that is exactly clear about what happened to Inky, but The Guardian reported that the staff of the aquarium believed that the octopus escaped from his tank in the quiet hours of the night. That's when you would escape right from prison. The report speculates that someone forgot to put the tank, the tank lid on, and Inky then used a 50 meters drain pipe to get back to the freedom of the sea. According to The Guardian, the national manager of the aquarium. Rob yarl said the octopus did not flee as a result of being unhappy. Because he would know if he's happy or not.

Speaker A:

Right, yeah, clearly.

Speaker B:

But because he are because he was curious.

Speaker A:

I mean, why not?

Speaker B:

He was curious about if there's better food out in the ocean.

Speaker D:

Isn't this the plotline of finding Dory?

Speaker B:

It is. And that's what I wanted to bring up. That's exactly what it and so I think Disney should be sued. Disney should be sued because they're bringing in money left.

Speaker A:

Although I think that this story happened after Disney did it. I think so.

Speaker B:

I don't have any date on this.

Speaker D:

But he's an inspiration.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Well, inky the octopus, they were doing stories on him. I'm pretty sure he was the same octopus that was caught leaving his tank and going to other tanks and eating the other fish. Yeah.

Speaker B:

He would swing over. He would crawl out of his tank and go into a neighboring tank and eat all the cuttlebone fish.

Speaker A:

Right. Just hop on whatever he wanted.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

They also said that someone they suspect that someone left his lid open. They really went back and like no, he broke out.

Speaker B:

Did he break out?

Speaker A:

Right. It's like watching alcatraz show over the Rock. It's just all that movie, and they.

Speaker B:

Thrown a small rope in a little mask.

Speaker A:

They did.

Speaker B:

And he got out.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

That makes total sense to me.

Speaker A:

So we have extremely intelligent creatures right. That can predict the future, that can do secret spy heists when wanted. And now there's new articles that scientists literally don't freak out that scientists might be aliens after DNA studies.

Speaker C:

No, not scientists. Octopus might be aliens.

Speaker A:

No, the scientists have been studying that they say might be aliens after DNA study. So the genetic code is so strange that they personally believe that there are aliens coming to our planet that now thrive on our planet.

Speaker C:

I'd say it's plausible.

Speaker B:

Yeah. Oh, absolutely.

Speaker A:

So let's go a step further. Right. I've lived on this Earth now for.

Speaker B:

30 years, 30 long years.

Speaker A:

I'm an old man. I have gray hairs. I've seen some things. If you look in the dollar bill, you have the illuminati symbol, right?

Speaker B:

Oh, yeah.

Speaker A:

That's a cover up, right?

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

The freemasons, all of it, all fake. I'm here to tell you first and foremost that aliens have invaded the planet Earth and that we are being ran by the secret society known as the Blue Ring Society.

Speaker B:

Blue ring octopus?

Speaker A:

Absolutely. No, it's the legion of the Blue Ring, and the illuminati is just there to cover it up.

Speaker D:

They're after you're?

Speaker C:

Not after me.

Speaker B:

Wasn't Adam the one that brought up taking a Blue Ring octopus and killing his friend?

Speaker A:

Yeah, they're after him. I've been on the hit list for years.

Speaker B:

So strike to Adam. You're a ci right there by peru.

Speaker A:

They just wrote him off as a double agent, and he got bleached yes.

Speaker B:

Bleached out.

Speaker A:

So beware of the Blue Ring society. Also, I think there's a college that does it. No. So not you.

Speaker B:

It's a secret society.

Speaker A:

The Blue Ring secret society.

Speaker B:

Secret time.

Speaker A:

I'm saying next time you hear of a crime or something happening in the world, look, there might be a wet trail leading down a 50 foot pipe into the ocean.

Speaker B:

Into the ocean. It could be dory. Hey, who voiced dory anyway? Was that Ellen degeneres?

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Oh, her world has been a pile of poop this week.

Speaker A:

I haven't heard anything about it.

Speaker B:

Yeah, Ellen degeneres is not happy. All of her staff have kind of thrown her under the bus and her executive producers and stuff. And there was talk about that Ellen might not be back this fall.

Speaker A:

Oh, no.

Speaker B:

And so everybody thought, are they sick.

Speaker A:

Of being forced to dance at the end of her episode?

Speaker B:

That's exactly what I was wow.

Speaker A:

I didn't know any of there was.

Speaker B:

Actually some executive producers that were doing naughty type things sexually to the staff. They were well, that's uncle.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Allegedly. But then on the bandwagon got Brad garrett and leah Thompson this week and saying, yeah, ellen's kind of that way. She doesn't preach what she practices or doesn't practice what she preaches. I shouldn't drink so much.

Speaker A:

You shouldn't. Especially not before conspiracy podcast.

Speaker B:

That's right.

Speaker A:

Well, rest in peace. Network television. So the last one is a well known theory. It's not a conspiracy. This is a fact. All right. In the 1960s, Margaret lavat, I think I'm pronouncing that correctly, grew up talking with animals. And she had a dream that one day she would communicate using a halfway with a human English language with animals. And just at that time, the government's NASA funded project, because NASA and the CIA, it's all the same thing, right, Adam?

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

So in the 1960s, Margaret levat was doing a project to figure out a way to communicate with dolphins. So they decided to set her up in a 24 hours covert house with a dolphin 24 hours a day that she'd live with named Peter. This is all real. I'm not shooting you on this thing. For those that have never heard of this, look it up. There's been documentaries on this. And she lived with this thing day and night. Now, weeks in the dolphin kept getting more friendly and more friendly.

Speaker B:

How friendly?

Speaker A:

And they got really friendly. You know what I mean?

Speaker B:

How friendly?

Speaker A:

Like fourth date, third base friendly? Friendly like third base. Plus, we are friendly.

Speaker B:

Are we talking about Bcality? Thanks for saving this for last.

Speaker A:

Now ripping my mouth a little bit, right? Just a little bit. Just a little bit. So again, the idea, which is like ice cream, the idea of doing this was to try to figure out a way to have the dolphin either try to communicate with us in some form of English or understand English. Somehow so they could actually communicate, like sign language and monkeys. They wanted to kind of do that with dolphins, so they set them up.

Speaker B:

With a prostitute dolphin.

Speaker A:

Got frisky, and lavat decided that she was going to like, I guess we could just use this as a teaching method to have the dolphin understanding. So a lot of teachers lose her.

Speaker B:

Job for doing that. I just want to say.

Speaker A:

This is very uncomfortable. I'm choosing very accurate wording here, but.

Speaker B:

She'S a big, long article there that you're reading.

Speaker A:

Oh, there's a whole lot to this. There's actually a full on wikipedia page that makes me very uncomfortable. All you got to do is, like, type in Peter the Dolphin, and it goes down from there.

Speaker B:

And why do they have to name the damn dolphin Peter? They couldn't name him like Mark. I mean, Peter the dolphin is walking around and trying to score with this.

Speaker A:

Levy in retrospect, they could have named it Richard. I think that's the only thing that would have been worse is calling Dick the dolphin. 100% worse. But she says, and I quote, let's see, personal life. I got to find the quote here because it's just so bizarre. lavat stated that it was not sexual on her part, but allowed it to happen. To get to know Peter better. I'm sure she did.

Speaker B:

How many drugs were involved in this?

Speaker A:

We'll get to the drugs. It was 1960s, so they actually wrote an article, interspecies Sex Humans and Dolphins that appeared on hustler magazine for an overdraft of ties situation. It was very bad. She's still PR on this thing. Got bad. Apparently, she is alive. There's zero.

Speaker B:

Can we get her on this podcast?

Speaker A:

That would be amazing. We could learn a lot.

Speaker B:

I want to get her and bert kirschner at the same time.

Speaker A:

They call it dolphinarium is what they call these little houses that they put together to live with dolphin. arian which is what they did with flipper. Don't bring flipper into this. This is Peter. Peter the pervert. That's fair.

Speaker D:

All the dolphins that were used in that experiment came from the same place that flipper did.

Speaker A:

Yes, it was all the same line of bottle.

Speaker B:

No, don't tell me that right next to me.

Speaker C:

I'm pretty sure dolphins and bonobos are the only they're, like, one of the few animals that willingly have sex to we've been losing people for pleasure.

Speaker B:

Yeah, for fun.

Speaker A:

Oh, boy.

Speaker C:

They did do an experiment with monkeys. And monkeys will prostitute themselves for coins.

Speaker A:

For coins.

Speaker B:

I've been at the zoo with a damn banana the whole time.

Speaker D:

There was actually some economic exchange with the coins.

Speaker B:

Don't take any Canadian money.

Speaker C:

Yeah, that's what it was when they didn't get enough when they didn't get enough, the female ones didn't get enough coins. They would offer themselves to the males, and the males would just pay them in coins, and then they could get whatever treats they wanted.

Speaker A:

Yes, it was quite hilarious.

Speaker B:

Are you serious?

Speaker A:

They learned very effectively how it sounds.

Speaker B:

Like my first mailer.

Speaker A:

There was also another just pay you in coins.

Speaker B:

I guess it should offer more than pennies, huh?

Speaker A:

There was also another monkey experiment that was done. They actually wired a monkey's brain so it turned on the pleasure receptor in the brain. When they pressed a button and they found out that the monkey would press that button over and over again, it would ignore food. It would literally starve death. It would be dehydrated to death, essentially, from just hitting that button, and it wouldn't stop until it died.

Speaker B:

If you did that to me, I wouldn't come out of the house.

Speaker A:

Right. All day long, it's like you and I'm assuming drugs. Yeah, right. So back to Peter the pervert.

Speaker B:

Don't go any farther.

Speaker A:

I have to. It's a weird story. We got to go through it. All of us got to be brave together. We went through the scrotum frog. We can go through. Peter, the pervert. So apparently things were performed with the dolphin. She allowed it things to happen and trying to get more and more English communication with the dolphin. And you imagine how far this went. So because of the articles and hustler magazine and other stuff and just bad PR overall, that you're touching dolphins, the whole project essentially got defunded and the whole thing got closed. So at the end of this, this is a terrible story. Peter the dolphin killed himself. It's the only way.

Speaker B:

He did not.

Speaker A:

He did. Yeah, it's a religious thing. Peter the dolphin flipper. Yeah. soda flipper.

Speaker B:

That's Jeffrey epstein.

Speaker A:

Peter. The dolphin. Because dolphins have to breathe there, like you and me, they're mammals, decided that he's just going to hold himself under the water and no longer breathe. He literally killed himself out of loneliness for his lavat to leave him.

Speaker B:

Does anybody ever think that maybe he had sex so many times he just was exhausted, he fell asleep and drowned?

Speaker A:

No, it was definitely I think dolphins.

Speaker C:

Sleep with half their brain working, don't they, Rob?

Speaker A:

I have no idea.

Speaker B:

Kind of like rob's.

Speaker A:

We don't have a dolphin expert to join the podcast either.

Speaker B:

So what happened to flipper?

Speaker C:

The main flipper killed herself because when they were done with the show, they stuck her in a little box in an aquarium and basically left her there.

Speaker A:

That's awful.

Speaker C:

Didn't do nothing with her, which didn't give her no mental stimulation or nothing. And so they called her trainer because they saw that she was sick and not eating, which you would, too if you were left in a fluke and concrete box and he was holding her and she just died. She held her breath until she died.

Speaker A:

That's awful. Yeah. We took this down, but now let's get to the conspiracy, because that's the facts of the matter. We got to talk more about this absolutely we do.

Speaker B:

Oh, God. So did she get pregnant?

Speaker C:

She did.

Speaker B:

She did.

Speaker A:

I hate you people.

Speaker B:

And she gave birth to who? Charlie the catfish. Charlie that rubber catfish?

Speaker A:

Yeah, Charlie the rubber catfish. Now, here's the deal, right? So this lavat, right? Person, right? She also did funding more research towards the effects of lsd. Right. Remember the lsd testing from the government? Because they're the ones that basically measure that. Well, I'm just saying it ties in that background is really necessary, because my theory is that it had nothing to do with dolphin communication, because I don't think they wanted to communicate with dolphins. And why in the world would the government pay to talk to dolphins? They could just build a robo dolphin, and they're good. So the only benefit that I could see is that this is a big cover up, especially because this whole lavat person had a lot to do with lsd and the effects on dolphins, which, again, there was no results on that. But I think that this was not anything to do with communication. Instead, they were making a love potion and needed a clerical way to cover it up the research, in case it got leaked or make it public, because it did get leaked, and they did it on dolphins because of the flipper movie. Around the same time, it was the same back to dolphins. So they're trying to come up with, like, a love control potion, and it seemed to work really well on Peter. That's what I'm saying, that there is a love potion number nine, and the CIA hasn't in a bottle. Adam.

Speaker B:

Can I get some?

Speaker A:

Yeah, sure.

Speaker C:

But, I mean, dolphins will mess with puffer fish to purposely get high, so how do we not you know what I mean?

Speaker A:

Right. So I'm just saying, they know that they have human responses.

Speaker B:

I can get high from a puffer.

Speaker A:

If there's a Joe Logan dolphin out there, then we can definitely confirm that they would definitely react to human love potions.

Speaker B:

So you're talking about this, and I pulled up on my computer my thing here, right?

Speaker A:

Your finger. My thing. We got to give you fingers more often.

Speaker B:

My computer thing here something a little bit more disturbing we didn't talk about. Under the wikipedia page, it says personal life. I want to read this, and you guys just take your own thoughts on this. Margaret lavat stayed on the island after all this, and she married a photographer, who was the one who took pictures of the research with Peter the dolphin. So her husband is photographing what is.

Speaker A:

Happening with the dolphin to send it to hustler magazine. So later on in life, they moved.

Speaker B:

Back into the happy place on Earth, which is the dolphin dolphin honorium, which.

Speaker A:

Was the one that they used for Peter. Right.

Speaker B:

And they converted it into their family home together. They had three daughters. It says they had three daughters I don't know if it's the dolphin or her husband.

Speaker A:

Here is he theory, but her husband.

Speaker B:

Was taking pictures of her and the dolphin doing the doinidoing.

Speaker A:

Oh, my God. I don't ever want to hear the phrase doing the dowitoing again.

Speaker B:

Oh, man.

Speaker A:

Would you prefer I feel like we need a clip of the doing from that eminem song right here.

Speaker C:

That'D be awesome.

Speaker A:

You're welcome.

Speaker C:

Right here.

Speaker A:

There you go. Find it.

Speaker B:

I think I'm going to go on Port Hub and see if it's on there. Oh, my it's got to be on there, don't you think?

Speaker A:

Well, this is getting weird. We have yet the best story.

Speaker B:

That wasn't the best.

Speaker A:

That was by far the worst.

Speaker B:

Oh, yes.

Speaker A:

We have to give a palate cleanser to the audience. We can't just talk about suicidal porn dolphins. No, we have to do something better.

Speaker B:

This train fell off the tracks a long time ago.

Speaker A:

Chu. chu. All right, so last one. And this one is the biggest conspiracy theory I can think of the evening. This is like legit creepy shit. So before we start, I want to say a shout out to Spiritual. He is one of the members of this tct the Community Tank podcast. And he made a YouTube video. And this was absolutely fascinating. moan Sweetwater. So there is a video there's a video on YouTube, and it's been up for a while, and it says, the Aquarium of Milan. Sweetwater. So apparently overseas, they have this aquarium. And what I'm going to do is I'm going to send it to Adam, right? So Adam can get a piece of the action as well. We're doing this just because we like you, Adam. We want you to be a part of it. Okay? And then I'm going to play this for Jimmy on our screen here in the studio B. And this what we're looking at, I'm going to play the video is the Milan Sweetwater Aquarium. It looks like a really shitty public aquarium for those that are listening. And we're going to put a link to this video in the podcast notes. So if you're listening in your car, pull over, give this a tap. You can hear the music in the background. I'm talking about going to kill the music.

Speaker B:

That's sexy music.

Speaker A:

It's something horrible, but it it's literally aquarium showing just normal gravel, blue background. But we're seeing a diversity of exclusive freshwater fish swimming in what looks like a healthy environment with saltwater species. Like, we're looking at koi next to clown triggers next to blue line. Are you not just having your mind blown right now? I'm watching jimmy's face, and it looks like he took a shit link with corn. Oh, I got to get the link to Scrap as well. But this is a crazy video, so 1 second. I'll get it to you.

Speaker D:

So they took all these fish and.

Speaker B:

Put them in the same tank, filmed really quick until they died.

Speaker A:

But the thing is, it looks established. There's algae growing, right? The fish look healthy, because even if you put a fish, some of these are, like, mixed. They could be brackish, right? Like, they have guppies in here. But some of them are hard saltwater and hard freshwater species. And when you put a freshwater species into a saltwater, digitally altered, it's not it's going over obstacles and pieces. There's many different camera angles. It would be so hard to digitally alter this amount of shading and this amount of footage. I do not honestly believe that this is altered in any way. And trust me, I've studied this for hours.

Speaker B:

And they've got discus, along with angel.

Speaker A:

Fish, along with salt water, along with.

Speaker B:

Keyhole angels, which are saltwater.

Speaker A:

They have a clown fish. Yeah, they have everything you could imagine. Next to was that really blue, tangs.

Speaker B:

Rasboras, rabbit fish, all kinds of crazy stuff in there.

Speaker A:

They're feeding together. I'm literally watching that trigger fish next.

Speaker B:

To parrot, cichlids, freshwater parrot fish eating with batfish.

Speaker A:

So if you take a freshwater species, one of these hard freshwater species that cannot handle any salt, and you put them into a saltwater tank, they will immediately show signs of stress, breathing issues, other things. None of these species that we're seeing here have any signs of stress. None of them. They all look actually relatively healthy. Not even relatively. Some look very healthy.

Speaker B:

They look very well fed, too.

Speaker A:

And it's nothing basic. It's all like fake coral. So we're not seeing coral elements. We're just seeing freshwater species intermixed with hard saltwater species. There's no other plants in the tanks. There's no corals. It's just gravel decor. But, I mean, arowanas are in here with saltwater.

Speaker B:

Puffers dog face, puffers frontosas, along with Indian knifefish.

Speaker A:

All right, so I think we've chewed enough of the video. You see enough there, Adam?

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

So if you go ahead and skip down to, like, three and a half minutes in, and then they give a tour of how this public aquarium looks, right? It seems modest, like an old age aquarium and a bunch of people walking in. They're all Asian. This is in a different country, of course, but they're showing all of these beautiful creatures in there. I even checked on the reflection in their glasses to see if it was edited, because if they're looking in front of an aquarium, you're going to see assets in their glasses. And sure enough, when a fish goes by, it mirrors on the colored lenses in some people's sunglasses. So I 100% don't believe that this is digitized fake. However, I don't know how they could fake it otherwise. This is like the deepest conspiracy theory ever. So this gentleman, right, the spiritual fish lad, and you can find his YouTube channel. He goes into a deep dive. He does a lot of research on this. The address, which, again, is part of the YouTube video, is gcntv.org. And apparently it's this religious website.

Speaker C:

Oh, great.

Speaker A:

Right. So it says moan Sweetwater. And I'm probably pronouncing that site of miracle changing salinity water into sweetwater. And it has a Bible verse there that says, then Moses cried to the Lord and the Lord showed him a piece of wood, he threw it into the water and then the water became sweet. There the Lord decreed and made a lot for them. And there he tested them. Right. This is like a whole Old Testament bit, had not a whole lot to do with them consuming water, but they wholeheartedly believe and have these fundamentals that they have sweet water, which is apparently some sort of blend that is both fresh and saltwater to house all these fish in. So they talk more about moan Sweet water. Apparently it goes through this whole thing that they have to bless the water to make it sweet water. And they have ministers that come in. It talks about how the water used to be too salty to drink and now it's sweet. The site is a true miracle of how we change water and it goes real deep.

Speaker C:

So it is fake.

Speaker A:

How can they fake this? I don't understand what the details are in the background. Are they killing fish but somehow not stressing them out? And shocking for a long enough video like that, it's got to be. I'm just not convinced.

Speaker C:

I know that you can keep saltwater fish in human blood. They can live in humans.

Speaker A:

How in the hell do you know that?

Speaker B:

CIA told you.

Speaker C:

I know lots of things.

Speaker A:

It's because he's that a double agent.

Speaker B:

Going to kill you in your sleep.

Speaker C:

So waterfish can live in human blood because the salinity is the same. So I'm wondering if they there's got to be a way they faked it though.

Speaker A:

It's very crazy. But they have videos, they have testimonies, they have just like any other website. But I mean, they show the whole thing that they have to have someone that comes in and prays for the water. When they do. Water changes all kinds of craziness.

Speaker B:

But what aquarium is this in? What country?

Speaker D:

It's in Korea.

Speaker C:

Yeah, I think they do a lot of weird in Korea.

Speaker B:

Was that South Korea or North Korea?

Speaker C:

Obviously not North Korea because then they'd.

Speaker A:

Have the obviously it is South Korea. They do have the full address in the bottom website. They have a phone number to call. I should call that it's live. All right. If someone answers, all hang up because we got to ask permission. But I'm going to call right now. That's what we're going to do, guys. I'm going to pay the long distance surcharges to call right now on the podcast. Again, we have that permission to have people's answer live. But right now they shouldn't be awake anyway. So we should be good to go and we'll cut this if not. So if you don't hear anything from here on out. You know, we had to cut the.

Speaker B:

Audio, and they'll say, Fluke, you right.

Speaker A:

We're going to do some real covert investigation here. Here we go. Oh, wait.

Speaker B:

If we're not out of the podcast next week because somebody got killed, I.

Speaker C:

Might be the only one on the podcast.

Speaker A:

All right, here it goes. We're sorry. Please check the number and try and work out again. Okay, what you just heard right there.

Speaker B:

She didn't even sell from South Korea.

Speaker A:

What you just heard right there, I do not have a connection issue. That was their phone call going to some northern routing, giving the mumbled version of a disconnection. I don't know, man. This whole thing is creepy. I want to know how the sweetwater works, man. I want to know the inners outers. How is this a scam? How is it not a scam? I need to know. But I know that I proved that video and I put it through the wringer. That thing does not seem fake at all.

Speaker C:

I think it's fake.

Speaker A:

Is the sweetwater fake? Sure, but what are they doing to those fish to make them look not shocked by putting them in the water? Do they just, like, just put them in and wait till they get acclimated and just do it? Fish gets stressed. It's impossible. I don't know what's going on, but if you want more information, enjoy. We'll have it again, the links in the description for it, and go to spirituals YouTube on this. It is simply some of the craziest. Again, the spiritual fish lad. He has a whole thing on this. Check out. It's a ten minute deep dive. Crazy shit. Any theories, Jimmy? What's your first thought? That they're just throwing them in there?

Speaker B:

At first I thought, is it possibly that they have I've seen people that have put an aquarium inside of an aquarium, and you could see the fresh one.

Speaker A:

There you go. There you go. But they're touching each other. They, like, lay over watch the video.

Speaker C:

When the barb swims over the tang. I bet that that's what it is. They look goofy.

Speaker A:

That would be some sort of but even that parrot sick live in the video. They swim over top of each other, giving each other shading. They're bumping each other, and one was nipping at the other, getting food.

Speaker B:

I don't know. The other thing is, too, if you think about it a little bit, mammals, such as when we go swimming with Donald Florida manatees.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

The manatees are salt water. They swim in the freshwater to have their babies.

Speaker A:

No, they're not breathing in it. They get oxygen from the air so they can swim whatever they want.

Speaker B:

But, I mean, is it possible that this aquarium somehow has salt water and fresh water and they'll stay more in their area? Is there any way?

Speaker A:

I don't know. So what you're saying is they figured out some sort of like special salt where the lower is fresh and the top is salt. They screwed up salinity with temperature or.

Speaker B:

Whatever it could be.

Speaker C:

There you go.

Speaker A:

Oh, man.

Speaker B:

And that's probably designed by Jeffrey epstein.

Speaker A:

How about you, Adam? What do you think?

Speaker C:

That actually seems the most plausible.

Speaker A:

I don't know how that would work, though.

Speaker C:

Wait, wouldn't brackish water if you acclimate the freshwater fish to brackish, wouldn't the brackish water be on a different level than saltwater? And so therefore, they would just stay in that level?

Speaker B:

Can you desolinitize saltwater fish?

Speaker A:

Maybe they just pump fresh on one end and pump salt. In my knowledge.

Speaker C:

No, you can't.

Speaker B:

Yeah. Is there any way that there's different fish that live in the Dead Sea where the salinity is much higher?

Speaker A:

I didn't know there's any fish out there.

Speaker B:

I made that up. Well, how about this, right?

Speaker A:

You see these areas where two water bodies meet but don't really mix, and, like, the oceans and whatnot it's like where the current is flowing. You'll see, like, one side is dark, one side.

Speaker B:

I saw that down in Florida when we're at the maybe they figured that.

Speaker A:

Out inside of a tank somehow.

Speaker C:

I'm seeing a still of this video, and you can tell that the yellow fish. It looks like a striped something is in front of the clownfish. You can tell that it's faked?

Speaker A:

No, I'm telling you. I took time on this video, bro.

Speaker C:

I think it's fake.

Speaker B:

All right, I'm going to go with the ci director.

Speaker A:

Give us a timestamp. What's the timestamp?

Speaker C:

J. Le.

Speaker A:

No, it'll have a minute.

Speaker C:

He's got it right here. It's literally 47. It's like right it's on the Message live chat podcast. Live chat. That looks fake.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I agree. Back up. There you go.

Speaker A:

Hold on here. Oh, he says it's not see, he's going on here. It's not fake. Telling you. I study that. It's not layered right there. That's part of it. Yeah. They're even saying it's not fake. And chat, ladies and gentlemen. Check out for yourself. It'll be in the notes description. It's the craziest video I think I've ever seen.

Speaker B:

That's cool. Even if we just brought attention to it.

Speaker A:

Like here. Look at that. Look at that last scene right there. He's eaten off of the filter. You're seeing the see the fin, the shad, the shade right there is like a minute, minute 20 to minute 24. He goes right over his head. There's a shade that hits the fish. You ain't manipulating that. Telling you it's real. And they figured it out somehow. Not long term. I think they're stressing out the fish somehow, and they're actually killing fish. But to get this video, that's what I want to know. What are they attempting to do here to not make the fish look stressed?

Speaker B:

I got nothing, man.

Speaker A:

You let us know. Send in your information on what you think this whole mountain sweetwater thing is kareemgyspodcast.com. Call us. I want to hear you say your conspiracy theories out loud. Text us, email us.

Speaker B:

We need to know.

Speaker A:

So I hope you guys enjoyed the episode.

Speaker B:

I thought it was pretty cool. I expected nothing, and I got a few laughs out of it.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

And I've earned some disrespect for flipper.

Speaker A:

And you're never going to want to swim with a dolphin.

Speaker B:

Not happening. I have swim with the dolphins before, but I'm not putting out for no dolphin.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Unless she's cute. That's just me. I'm sorry. I'm kind of a man whore. I don't know.

Speaker A:

Got anything else there, Adam?

Speaker C:

No, I'm good.

Speaker A:

All right. Well, thanks again for joining the podcast, guys. We need to hear you more about this. Send in your conspiracy theories. We might have an episode, too. And I hope not.

Speaker B:

For God's sake, I'm not going to sleep for two nights. Now.

Speaker A:

On that note, we bid the ado. bye, everybody. See you next week. bye bye. Thanks, guys, for listening to podcast. Please go to your favorite place where podcasts are found, whether it be spotify, itunes, stitcher, wherever they can be found, like subscribe. And make sure you get push notifications directly to your phone so you don't miss great content like this.

Speaker C:

I never knew that a Minnesota accent be so sexy until I heard adam's voice. Go frank yourself.

Speaker B:

Don't you know that's my boy? Don't you know.

Episode Notes

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